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First's new money making scheme - bus drivers don't carry a change float

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Guest busdriver1
Slightly off topic but even if you wanted to pay the correct fare it takes you ages to find out what you should be paying in advance as there's no specific information on there website.just the different ticket prices no fare finders.


All fares within Sheffield are less than £3 so if you have that amount in change you are sorted. To itemise every single fare on the website would take forever.

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I once got told this, so the next day i got on the same number bus at the same time, 6:30AM, my fare was £1.95, so i gave him a collection of tens, twenty's, 2p/1p/5p to the correct value of 1.95, only to be refused?

Yes; because a large collection of low-value coinage is not legal tender in the UK.

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All fares within Sheffield are less than £3 so if you have that amount in change you are sorted. To itemise every single fare on the website would take forever.


There are lots of tickets that are above that price as was established earlier in the thread.

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No, I do expect passengers to occasionally make an effort. Something you clearly can not be bothered to do. The tram is welcome to your type.


My effort is to get on the bus (should I need to do so) and to have money with me to pay for my fair.

It's completely unreasonable of first to expect me to have the correct change.

They're running a business, I expect them to give change, something they clearly can't be bothered to do. Stagecoach are welcome to my money on the tram, and first is not, I hope more people follow suit.

Vote with your wallet.

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I take full responsibility for my own actions.

When will First be taking it's responsibility as a cash handling business seriously?The action is to pay for a service to be delivered. In this case, bus travel. My responsibility is to pay, the responsibility of the service provider is to get me to the destination. Since they are part of a multi national company and I'm an individual, the responsibility for operating a float lies with them as well, not with me.


I thought First was a passenger travel business.

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It's probably in order to pay for those that stand actually at a bus stop basically hassling you for your fare before you even get on a bus, How silly, " I wouldn't be stood at a bloody bus stop if I didn't need to catch a bus "


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Are you trying to say that they are not a business that handles cash? :huh:


Not at all but if they ask for correct money for the journey then that is up to you if you overpay.


If you are not happy then travel by other means.


I remember travelling by bus in Birmingham 20 years ago and they never gave change at all as the fare was dropped into a bo which the driver did not have access to.

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Not at all but if they ask for correct money for the journey then that is up to you if you overpay.


If you are not happy then travel by other means.


I remember travelling by bus in Birmingham 20 years ago and they never gave change at all as the fare was dropped into a bo which the driver did not have access to.


Them cheeky parking meters dont give change so people get the right money ready unless you like giving money away, but I agree with this post what a good idea, let the drivers conentrate on the driving, because driving around this city is hard enough with all the clowns on road these days.:suspect:

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