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First's new money making scheme - bus drivers don't carry a change float

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Up where i live the buses have started to have posters on the buses asking people to try and use the correct change for future bus use.


Even as a passenger i do find it annoying when 3-4 people in front of me are waving paper money.No wonder the drivers get peed-off. (i would) Some people are just too damn right inconsiderate, ill-prepared and stupid.


Just look at those idiots when they walk into shops as well. Buying things, not knowing how much they're going to spend (much like bus fares), paying with paper notes. How inconsiderate can a person be, to use legal tender, that the bank ATM gave them, to pay for a service. That's what's wrong with this country, people paying for things using money.

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I used to be a Bus driver for first, I've worked for Stagecoach and TM Travel, and none of these companies issue drivers with a float, those drivers that have change first thing in a morning is the drivers that hate having the hassle of messing, because claim forms/unpaid fare slips waste lots of time and are alot of hassle.

When you gety change from a driver, smile, be polite and offer thanks as thats HIS money you have.

As stated, it is the responsibilty of the passenger to make sure the have the correct change, hard work if your a irregular commuter I know, I dont make the rules, we just have to follow them.

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I used to be a Bus driver for first, I've worked for Stagecoach and TM Travel, and none of these companies issue drivers with a float, those drivers that have change first thing in a morning is the drivers that hate having the hassle of messing, because claim forms/unpaid fare slips waste lots of time and are alot of hassle.

When you gety change from a driver, smile, be polite and offer thanks as thats HIS money you have.

As stated, it is the responsibilty of the passenger to make sure the have the correct change, hard work if your a irregular commuter I know, I dont make the rules, we just have to follow them.


People in Sheffield should be glad that drivers do give change. I used to go to Preston quite regularly and you had to slot your money into a machine that didn't give change - if you didn't have the correct fare you had to pay too much. It made getting on buses a lot quicker (although I think it probably annoyed shop workers as people used to go for change).

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A shop takes into account that customers will require change with a purchase, First choose not to take this into account. Could First do more, of course they could but like ive just said they choose not too.


So like it or not thats how they choose to run the buses, so you either adapt to the way they run the buses or you boycott First buses as much as you can.


No point in paying for a fare with a £20 note then stomping your feet if change cant be given, if you know beforehand that First dont issue floats to drivers.

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A shop takes into account that customers will require change with a purchase, First choose not to take this into account. Could First do more, of course they could but like ive just said they choose not too.


So like it or not thats how they choose to run the buses, so you either adapt to the way they run the buses or you boycott First buses as much as you can.

Does that mean we're not allowed to say that they're wrong?

I already don't use the bus, but I also happen to think that paying with a note is perfectly reasonable when buying a service.


No point in paying for a fare with a £20 note then stomping your feet if change cant be given, if you know beforehand that First dont issue floats to drivers.

Of course there is. Unless you like being a doormat.

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Not all shops have multiple members of staff. And what about the safety issue of carrying money back from the bank?




The customer is always right. Or at least always has the right to complain.


And later in the day the driver will have a large amount of change from the people who have paid with change, so it would all be fine then.


The vast majority of fixed based shops will have more than one member of staff on duty, even the newsagents at the end of my road always has 2 people on duty. As for the safely issue, a staff member isn't going to have a big sign saying I've just been to the bank I've got a sack of money on me. And again a fixed based shop will have the ability to safely carry large amounts of cash in the store compared to a bus. Then again you could say the same for the bus driver carrying large sums of money in his cab, unless a safe is installed in a drivers cab.


What you want and what you get are two totally different things.


Having worked in retail, the customer isn't always right as much as they like to think they are, but yes we all have the right to complain.


Yes chances are a driver will have change later on in the day, but as seen as first don't have a policy of no change given in sheffield then they should do more to provide adequate change to drivers.


Like I've stated in my previous post, first could do more to provide change to customers but they choose not too, either adapt to the way they run the services in Sheffield, or complain and if enough people did complain / boycott the company maybe something might get done, although highly unlikely. Chances are they would just introduce a no change given policy like other towns and cities have.

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Whereas employee's of first will carry a large sign saying "I've got a float in my pocket"?


I'm happy to just not use the bus, but I'm not going to accept any argument that implies it's some sort of customer laziness if they happen to board a bus with only a note in their wallet.

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Does that mean we're not allowed to say that they're wrong?

I already don't use the bus, but I also happen to think that paying with a note is perfectly reasonable when buying a service.

Of course there is. Unless you like being a doormat.


Of course we are allowed to say that they are wrong, we have the right to complain, if first listen to what it's customers are saying is a whole different matter.


Some people might think paying for a fare with a note is reasonable, but first choose not to give floats to drivers.

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Whereas employee's of first will carry a large sign saying "I've got a float in my pocket"?


I'm happy to just not use the bus, but I'm not going to accept any argument that implies it's some sort of customer laziness if they happen to board a bus with only a note in their wallet.


No but of course if people knew that a driver at start of a shift early in the morning had a large sum of cash on them it could become a safety issue.


If first don't have a policy of no change given then they should do more to help drivers provide change to customers, but for whatever reason they choose not to provide this service by not issuing floats to drivers.


If passenger know drivers arnt issued with floats then try to pay with a large note, then the passenger can't really moan if change can't be given to them from the driver.

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Just look at those idiots when they walk into shops as well. Buying things, not knowing how much they're going to spend (much like bus fares), paying with paper notes. How inconsiderate can a person be, to use legal tender, that the bank ATM gave them, to pay for a service. That's what's wrong with this country, people paying for things using money.


What's wrong with people clogging up the queues using credit cards...;)

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