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First's new money making scheme - bus drivers don't carry a change float

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Whereas employee's of first will carry a large sign saying "I've got a float in my pocket"?


I'm happy to just not use the bus, but I'm not going to accept any argument that implies it's some sort of customer laziness if they happen to board a bus with only a note in their wallet.


Its stupidity to get on a bus with a £20 note to buy a ticket/return ticket. Imagine if everyone did that. How much change do you think a bus driver will have?

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Whereas employee's of first will carry a large sign saying "I've got a float in my pocket"?


I'm happy to just not use the bus, but I'm not going to accept any argument that implies it's some sort of customer laziness if they happen to board a bus with only a note in their wallet.

OK not laziness, just sheer arrogance. :roll:

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Wow, any offers beyond arrogance for using money to pay for a bus journey?


Perhaps it's disrespect? Maybe it's evil or disgusting? How about reprehensible, there's a word you don't get to use often.


What next, paying with cash in Tesco's to be considered stupid, or contemptuous?

Paying with cash for food to be insolence, it's practically a crime, we really should make it illegal to use cash to purchase goods and services.

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Its stupidity to get on a bus with a £20 note to buy a ticket/return ticket. Imagine if everyone did that. How much change do you think a bus driver will have?


It's better if all those people go into the news agents, after all they've got an endless supply of change and will be more than happy to supply change to make the job of a multi national company easier!

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No but of course if people knew that a driver at start of a shift early in the morning had a large sum of cash on them it could become a safety issue.

Unlike those shops open early in the morning, where safety is provided by magic?


If first don't have a policy of no change given then they should do more to help drivers provide change to customers, but for whatever reason they choose not to provide this service by not issuing floats to drivers.


If passenger know drivers arnt issued with floats then try to pay with a large note, then the passenger can't really moan if change can't be given to them from the driver.

They can moan about the policy though can't they.


Or as seems to be suggested by about 75% of the posters here they can bend over for first.

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Unlike those shops open early in the morning, where safety is provided by magic?

They can moan about the policy though can't they.


Or as seems to be suggested by about 75% of the posters here they can bend over for first.


Of course a shop can still get robbed but a bus driver carrying large sums of cash at 5am might just seem too easier of a target.


Nothing wrong with offering money to pay for a fare be it the correct fare or a £20, but as already stated FIRST DO NOT GIVE DRIVERS FLOATS so either accept that paying with a note might mean you won't be offered change, leading to you possibly not been allowed to travel or use a bit off common sence and try to get near enough the correct fare. It's nothing to do with bending over and taking one from first. Untill first start giving drivers a decent amount of change paying with large notes will cause problems.


Can we do something about this, maybe. Actively complain to SYPTE ? Complaint to first would most likely be like hitting a brick wall. Mass boycott off first services could work ?


You well with your rights to offer a £20, but first are also within there rights to not give drivers floats as crazy as that might come across as.


If people know full well that first don't give drivers floats but still insist on paying with large notes for small fares, I say more fool them.

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At 5am it would be a bus setting off from the bus depot most likely, probably not the best place to try and rob it.


I still can't see how at 5am, after getting money from the cash point, anyone can magic up the correct change.


If you keep pandering to their lack of floats, then first will happily continue to take advantage of your apathy.

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At 5am it would be a bus setting off from the bus depot most likely, probably not the best place to try and rob it.


I still can't see how at 5am, after getting money from the cash point, anyone can magic up the correct change.


If you keep pandering to their lack of floats, then first will happily continue to take advantage of your apathy.


No but maybe 20 minutes later when its reached the start of its route somewhere on the outskirts of the city, where at that time of morning it could still be dark with very few people around.


The fact is first don't provide flosts, accept that policy or dont use there services. Use a bit of forward thinking and if you know your having to catch a bus early am try to get change the day before and put it to one side for the morning. It might come across as pandering to them but its highly unlikely the policy of not issueing floats is going to change. If enough of a stink got kicked up about the issue first would most likely move to a fare box no change given policy.

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No but maybe 20 minutes later when its reached the start of its route somewhere on the outskirts of the city, where at that time of morning it could still be dark with very few people around.


The fact is first don't provide flosts, accept that policy or dont use there services. Use a bit of forward thinking and if you know your having to catch a bus early am try to get change the day before and put it to one side for the morning. It might come across as pandering to them but its highly unlikely the policy of not issueing floats is going to change. If enough of a stink got kicked up about the issue first would most likely move to a fare box no change given policy.


So to catch the bus now, you have to plan it a day in advance, go to the cash point, then abuse some poor shop in order to get change (and buy something you didn't want), all because first are lazy.

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