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First's new money making scheme - bus drivers don't carry a change float

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Tell you what, why don't you continue to be obtuse and drag this out some more by not reiterating it then when asked.


Maybe you missed the point I was trying to make, which was that at the end of the working day I have no change because I already used it.


It seemed to confuse you and you weren't sure how I was going to manage the next day, but we cleared that up. And now you think that paying with a note at the start of the day is going to cause the cafe to run out of change, clearly it doesn't though and indeed most shops are quite used to being paid with notes.

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Tell you what, why don't you continue to be obtuse and drag this out some more by not reiterating it then when asked.


Maybe you missed the point I was trying to make, which was that at the end of the working day I have no change because I already used it.


It seemed to confuse you and you weren't sure how I was going to manage the next day, but we cleared that up. And now you think that paying with a note at the start of the day is going to cause the cafe to run out of change, clearly it doesn't though and indeed most shops are quite used to being paid with notes.


The point is that if everyone (key word) produced a note for whatever they bought be it breakfast, dinner or a bus ticket, at some stage the float would be used. You return to the same place for dinner which goes someway in reintroducing loose change back into the till. Life isn't like that in general though people move from one place to another making different purchases. If everyone carried on handing over a note the change/float will be used up. I've been in shops where the till has been devoid of change. The option is not to buy the item or make a purchase elsewhere and return, or rely on the assistant having loose change in their pocket which they can use.

The expectation that change should always be available to give depends on what denomination they are receiving. The choice to do away with a float altogether maybe inconvenient but so is the continuous flow of people handing over a note and expecting change.

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i worked for first for cupple off week whilst i pasted my p.v.c all bus driver are given £5 float at the begging of the shift.this not having the change thing is a little fiddle most bus drivers do time to time to make more cash if he does this 6-20 times in a day he gets his dinner for free same as giving people paying for a bus ride then the bus driver printing an o.a.p ticket where the fair is FREE so he can pocket the money.....hes hoping u dont ask for the 50p change at the end off of ur bus ride

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The point is that if everyone (key word) produced a note for whatever they bought be it breakfast, dinner or a bus ticket, at some stage the float would be used.

I agree. And obviously we'd all end up collecting a huge amount of change at home.

This doesn't mean that we all have ready to access to change all the time, which is the assertion several posters have made.

You return to the same place for dinner which goes someway in reintroducing loose change back into the till. Life isn't like that in general though people move from one place to another making different purchases.

What they don't generally do (I think) is save change specifically for the bus. It's the bus company here that isn't being the good citizen.

If everyone carried on handing over a note the change/float will be used up. I've been in shops where the till has been devoid of change. The option is not to buy the item or make a purchase elsewhere and return, or rely on the assistant having loose change in their pocket which they can use.

The expectation that change should always be available to give depends on what denomination they are receiving. The choice to do away with a float altogether maybe inconvenient but so is the continuous flow of people handing over a note and expecting change.

I agree, and if I had change in my pocket I would pay for the bus with that. I've never said that I would deliberately use a note.

My point about lunch was just a response to the poster who said they were never without change, I was without change at that point and said so.

In the normal course of things people pay with notes when they have to, they pay with change when they have it, the bus company should realise this and like most other businesses it should issue a reasonable float as some will need to pay by note because that's all they have on them.

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I have read quite a bit of your previous post, and to be quite honest I don't know how the mods let you get away with it, your always attacking people when someone does'nt agree with you. I don't care how you respond to my post, but I hope the mods are watching how you behave on this forum.


I have no idea what you're talking about.

Asking if someone is posting riddles is not a personal attack. And I seriously doubt that the mods are that interested.

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