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First's new money making scheme - bus drivers don't carry a change float

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I can see this problem getting worse as drivers have to deal with more payments using notes rather than coins.


Sheffield bus drivers have to sell a much wider variety of tickets on board than most other cities - there are several types of day and week tickets (citywide, bus, bus and tram, travelmaster, day tripper, megarider+, optio ...) as well as the standard fares.


The sooner Sheffield gets a smart-card system which can be topped up at corner shops and online the better.

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Theft definition in English law:


"Dishonestly appropriates property belonging to another with the intention of permanently depriving the other of it"


Now the driver has not dishonestly done anything because it's company policiy that if he doesn't have change the customer needs to claim it back, so that's theft out of the window already, and he doesn't intend to perminently deprive them of their money because they can claim it back, so that's another defence to boot.


So call the police, at best they'll laugh at you, at worst they'll arrest you for wasting police time.


the police will probably also laugh at the driver if he calls the police - so next time the driver tries to pull this stunt, just state you will pay him when he does have change and go and sit down. If he still does not have change when you get off, state the company is welcome to send you a bill in the post if they do not have appropriate facilities to process payments on the bus. The bus companies will soon learn that maybe if they have the ability to give change more people will pay up.

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My brother is a bus driver ( not for First ) according to him, under the regulations for a license to run a PSV ( public service vehicle ) if the driver does not have the change, he is required to take what proportion of the fare he can, or allow the pasenger to travel for free. You are within your rights to pay less than the fare ( so long as you have offered full fare ) and refuse to leave the vehicle. He also reccommends a strongly worded letter to the firm suggesting you intend to oppose the renewal of their license to operate, and follow through if necessary.

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  • 8 months later...

Most drivers I know don't get a great deal of float - if at all. I know if I was a bus driver, I would want to carry as little money as possible around with me! Especially since with some threads on here, they may has well have a sign on their back saying 'rob me'

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TBH I think that is a reasonable amount that your daughter had. She should have kept the ticket and made a formal complaint (all details are on the ticket)


However there will be some pedants posting later stating she should have had and only had the 70p in change with her.


I was once grumbled at for producing a £10 note. The fare was £9 (2 x £4.50 for the pedants)

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Daughter asked for a 70p fare with a £2 coin, she didn't have the right change, he let her on but not without a rant on his part, Surely they carry more that this in change? I could have understood it if it was a tenner!


Shock , horror a miserable bus driver never!!

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