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First's new money making scheme - bus drivers don't carry a change float

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Yeh we're not all perfect & sometimes you can't get the right change in the early hours. they should put something in place to stop this. It's not a good way forward. It geggers belief that some people side with big companies to the detriment of the poorer people in society!!!!!!! Really, I don't understand!! I'm not saying that I'm always right but I'm sick & tired of getting screwed by these companies, & the people who stick up for these parasites!!!!! Just another chance to screw the working class!!!! I, like most work hard for every penny, & they work as hard to take it away!!!!!!!1 TW.TS!!!!!!!!!

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Yeh we're not all perfect & sometimes you can't get the right change in the early hours. they should put something in place to stop this. It's not a good way forward. It geggers belief that some people side with big companies to the detriment of the poorer people in society!!!!!!! Really, I don't understand!! I'm not saying that I'm always right but I'm sick & tired of getting screwed by these companies, & the people who stick up for these parasites!!!!! Just another chance to screw the working class!!!! I, like most work hard for every penny, & they work as hard to take it away!!!!!!!1 TW.TS!!!!!!!!!


That is a good point though, even if you agree that they shouldn't have floats, you must agree that bus users are generally amongst the poorest in society and many can't afford to lose change when they get on the bus, and can't afford to buy something from a shop just to break a note.


Good point is that.

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Well firstly drivers are required to have a float, how much is up to the driver (i myself have a £10 float and am yet to not be able to give a passenger their change :) ) Secondly it is company policy that if you are not able to give the change you have to take the note let the passenger travel you then pay the money in and then the passenger has to apply to get it back. Now it does get annoying that at 2pm some git gets on with a £20 note in town wanting a 60p student fare!!!! However a smile and change is what they get off me (even if in my head im thinking what an a~#' ) :D

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BEWARE!!!!!!! First are striving to make more money by not having a float first thing in the morning!!!! My fare came to £2.50 I gave him £3. He couldn't give me the change and said that if he didn't have the change by the end of my journey, then I would have to claim it back off the company!!!!!!!!! This process takes 48 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How many people are going to claim back 5p 10p 20p???????????????????



Why not make sure you have the correct fare?

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it's not just a first thing. we have never got a float and i work for stagecoach. the holbrook depot drivers have reciepts they give to passengers if they haven't got the change and they can claim it from the depot but i don't think they have to wait 48 hours. our depot doesn't so it's down to the driver what they do but i usually free ride them. the only exeption i make is if someone gets on first think for a small ffare with a £10 or £20 note, winds me up too much to let them on for free with that so they get the next bus.

i can understand a passenger being wound oup about hav ing to go back to the depot for a small amount like 20p or something but anything a driver is down at the end of the day comes out of our wage and theres no guarantee if we free ride someone an inspector wont report us for it.


i do know a driver that once brought 9 bags of copper, £1 in each and when a passenger got on in the early morning wanting to pay with a tenner for a £1 fare he gave her the bags of copper, she wasn't too impressed:hihi:

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it's not just a first thing. we have never got a float and i work for stagecoach. the holbrook depot drivers have reciepts they give to passengers if they haven't got the change and they can claim it from the depot but i don't think they have to wait 48 hours. our depot doesn't so it's down to the driver what they do but i usually free ride them. the only exeption i make is if someone gets on first think for a small ffare with a £10 or £20 note, winds me up too much to let them on for free with that so they get the next bus.

i can understand a passenger being wound oup about hav ing to go back to the depot for a small amount like 20p or something but anything a driver is down at the end of the day comes out of our wage and theres no guarantee if we free ride someone an inspector wont report us for it


At first the new drivers get offered a £5 float from the company but

you get told you have to have some sort of float no matter what. (like i said this is the new drivers not sure about the older ones.

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also there was one driver that gor a guy on early morning with a £20 note and the passenger had the cheek to have a go at the driver when he gave him change for it saying he shouldn't need to pay at that time as he usually just gets a free ride from other drivers

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At first the new drivers get offered a £5 float from the company but

you get told you have to have some sort of float no matter what. (like i said this is the new drivers not sure about the older ones.


never worked for them so i don't know. we have never been offered a float and theres no way i'm using my own money so usually it's a free ride, not my problem if the company is losing out on fares from it

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BEWARE!!!!!!! First are striving to make more money by not having a float first thing in the morning!!!! My fare came to £2.50 I gave him £3. He couldn't give me the change and said that if he didn't have the change by the end of my journey, then I would have to claim it back off the company!!!!!!!!! This process takes 48 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How many people are going to claim back 5p 10p 20p???????????????????


whys it a scheme if you can claim it back?

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BEWARE!!!!!!! First are striving to make more money by not having a float first thing in the morning!!!! My fare came to £2.50 I gave him £3. He couldn't give me the change and said that if he didn't have the change by the end of my journey, then I would have to claim it back off the company!!!!!!!!! This process takes 48 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How many people are going to claim back 5p 10p 20p???????????????????



Up here in Glasgow you have to have the correct fare.

The first time i used a bus there i told the driver my destination,and threw £2 in the cash box.I was expecting some change,but got ****-all.My missus told me my fare would have been 90pence.......:rant: Lesson learnt.

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