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"Rape not the rapists' fault - It's the world's fault"

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that's the problem in this country we think everyone has a conscience when some people just don't, and we all go ' o he will have to live with that for the rest of his life poor him' when the fact of the matter is if he had a conscience he wouldn't have done it in the first place that's why most of the law abiding folk in the uk don't commit crime because we all know the consequences of our actions, and i am sorry but that 14 year old boy will have known that.


imo he should have been punished for his crime its all too easy to sit back and say its society's fault, but their is a reason we don't hear of many crimes like this and this because most people don't think it acceptable to rape a baby,

so he is either abit slow upstairs or he knew what was happening the whole way throughout and knew what he was doing.


as for the porn side of things, i don't understand how this could be relevant, i am not aware that their is alot of porn on the internet showing rape of baby's if thats true then no wonder.

but i can see how porn would affect a young persons mind and give them strange ideas on sex and relationships but i still cant see how that would make someone rape a 5 year old.


but what made him have sex with a baby instead of someone his own age or abit younger/older ?

that instantly shows their is more to this than porn and just sex/rape, he had sex with a baby, is that what interests him, children ? if so then this is a young man that needs to be watched closely.

Ideally through prison bars for the rest of his natural.

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that's the problem in this country we think everyone has a conscience when some people just don't, and we all go ' o he will have to live with that for the rest of his life poor him' when the fact of the matter is if he had a conscience he wouldn't have done it in the first place that's why most of the law abiding folk in the uk don't commit crime because we all know the consequences of our actions, and i am sorry but that 14 year old boy will have known that.


imo he should have been punished for his crime its all too easy to sit back and say its society's fault, but their is a reason we don't hear of many crimes like this and this because most people don't think it acceptable to rape a baby,

so he is either abit slow upstairs or he knew what was happening the whole way throughout and knew what he was doing.


as for the porn side of things, i don't understand how this could be relevant, i am not aware that their is alot of porn on the internet showing rape of baby's if thats true then no wonder.

but i can see how porn would affect a young persons mind and give them strange ideas on sex and relationships but i still cant see how that would make someone rape a 5 year old.


but what made him have sex with a baby instead of someone his own age or abit younger/older ?

that instantly shows their is more to this than porn and just sex/rape, he had sex with a baby, is that what interests him, children ? if so then this is a young man that needs to be watched closely.

Don't make out i'm excusing what the boy did,i think its sick,appalling and tragic to say the least!!!

It may have happened if he hadn't viewed the porn,we will never know though will we.

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Don't make out i'm excusing what the boy did,i think its sick,appalling and tragic to say the least!!!

It may have happened if he hadn't viewed the porn,we will never know though will we.


and dont get your knichers in a twist, i wasn't directly posting that reply to you, just my opinion on your post that is all, no where did i say that you were making excuses for him did i.

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There are quite a few posters on here that were recently singing the praises of internet porn.


Are those same people giving an opposite opinion. If so, why haven't you challenged them?:suspect:

What an excellent opportunity for a coup de grâce to fall by the wayside.:hihi:

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and dont get your knichers in a twist, i wasn't directly posting that reply to you, just my opinion on your post that is all, no where did i say that you were making excuses for him did i.

Had it not been for that reply further discussion might have been considered.

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Oops you may have just got yourself kicked off The Dream Team :hihi:


It's worth noting, sexual violence is a problem where access to porn would be almost non-existant, the Middle East, big parts of Africa, South Central Asia, India etc. Ie the non-existance of porn in a society, does not necessarily mean far less sexual violence.


I was merely relaying what the studies found, not that I supported what they said.


As I said, there are too many other factors at play to simply say that porn reduces rape. The articles I linked to touch upon some of those factors, which is why I posted them. Your point above is a good one; these are all countries where women's rights are still trailing behind or practically non-existant. Whereas here in the western world, whilst we have had a rise in internet porn, our societal attitudes and awareness of boundries are always getting better too.


What I'm trying to say is that [reported] sexual violence seems to have dropped in countries where understanding of it and attitudes toward it are getting better, but still persists, unsurprisingly, in places that don't have a huge access to porn but where violence towards women is accepted. I don't think we can put a reduction in sexual crime just down to increased access to porn and as skinz said, in lesser developed places it would probably only reinforce their view of women.

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What world does the judge live in? No one has ever raped anyone because they looked at pornography. The boy knew the difference between right and wrong, chose wrong and then chose to fabricate an excuse that any sensible person would have found weak in the extreme. Not the idiot judge, obviously, he's sent out the message that rapists shouldn't take responsibility for their actions. He should be locked up too.

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What world does the judge live in? No one has ever raped anyone because they looked at pornography. The boy knew the difference between right and wrong, chose wrong and then chose to fabricate an excuse that any sensible person would have found weak in the extreme. Not the idiot judge, obviously, he's sent out the message that rapists shouldn't take responsibility for their actions. He should be locked up too.


I don't think anyone has suggested it has other than pornography being a factor. If you see pornography as a form of entertainment only, that can have no possible negative effects outside your own limitations mentally, then 'right and wrong' become your only means of defense/argument.


You can say "I wouldn't commit rape based on pornography" personally, but to state quite categorically that "No one" put's your head in the head of another person. We have reasons why something is wrong and something that is right..they don't stand alone as notions in themselves, otherwise I could state that you should not breathe air based on my notion that it's wrong for you to do so because I don't like you...I would certainly have to justify my reasons. Right or wrong isn't enough..understanding why we come to either notion is the relevant factor..or in most cases not just one factor but many. The judge in this case has picked up on a factor of porn, porn is the product of society. I don't think he said rape is the fault of the world and I don't think he said rape is not the rapists fault, unless you read everything as you would the DM.

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Pornography allows the developing male brain, to get ideas that left to his own devices could never think of in several lifetimes. Not all males, but the emotional retards, a significant percentage it seems. But the point is that the evidence is so overwhelming regarding male violence on females, from murder, rape, a good kicking, perpetual put downs, that I suggested it was a male problem. A bit like having a retarded individual in a family, all help to varying degrees to deal with the problem. So all males should start to realise it’s a male problem and not something to deny personally, which is pathetic.


You want a few stats on what males love to do in the UK? What is the favorite, have a guess... IS it Rape, molesting children, beating up the partner, killing the partner, killing the kids, getting a porn or child porn fix? What do you think is the most popular family passtime?????


Or maybe its just the occasional rogue male? Out of every 10 women how many have been raped in the UK, not by a stranger, but the friend or someone they knew of course? Its how males like to do it, less chance of getting charged that way.


What percentage of children get illegal male attention? We males sure know about perverts, as there are so many, any idea how many? The majority are on the streets a minority in jail.


Or do the great and good on this site, just take their porn through TV programs watching shocking crimes being solved, as its soooo interesting. What proportion of programs on TV involve various violent acts against women? Violence against women on TV is entertainment for closet pervs. Ever wondered why women always are entertaining victims on British TV? Feeds the sadists needs. Why do we pay women less for the same job that males do, because we love to humiliate women and any way is a good way, and then pretend we are against it in public, and just allow the injustice to continue.



Wake up and smell the stench!

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