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"Rape not the rapists' fault - It's the world's fault"

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To be fair judges are very smart and are much more qualified than probably anybody here on the forum so.


By the time they become Judges they are often well past their best if not their sell by date.

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To be fair judges are very smart and are much more qualified than probably anybody here on the forum so.


To a point I would agree, but aside from the intelligence of judges, they take many other factors into consideration, factors that are supplied by a broad range of professionals and act accordingly.

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To be fair judges are very smart and are much more qualified than probably anybody here on the forum so.

The vast majority are dinosaur privileged private school and Oxbridge male graduates in the criminal courts. Being better qualified does not equate with smart.

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The vast majority are dinosaur privileged private school and Oxbridge male graduates in the criminal courts. Being better qualified does not equate with smart.

and there it is again...............huge chip on shoulder:loopy::loopy:

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Pornography allows the developing male brain, to get ideas that left to his own devices could never think of in several lifetimes. Not all males, but the emotional retards, a significant percentage it seems. But the point is that the evidence is so overwhelming regarding male violence on females, from murder, rape, a good kicking, perpetual put downs, that I suggested it was a male problem. A bit like having a retarded individual in a family, all help to varying degrees to deal with the problem. So all males should start to realise it’s a male problem and not something to deny personally, which is pathetic.


You want a few stats on what males love to do in the UK? What is the favorite, have a guess... IS it Rape, molesting children, beating up the partner, killing the partner, killing the kids, getting a porn or child porn fix? What do you think is the most popular family passtime?????


Or maybe its just the occasional rogue male? Out of every 10 women how many have been raped in the UK, not by a stranger, but the friend or someone they knew of course? Its how males like to do it, less chance of getting charged that way.


What percentage of children get illegal male attention? We males sure know about perverts, as there are so many, any idea how many? The majority are on the streets a minority in jail.


Or do the great and good on this site, just take their porn through TV programs watching shocking crimes being solved, as its soooo interesting. What proportion of programs on TV involve various violent acts against women? Violence against women on TV is entertainment for closet pervs. Ever wondered why women always are entertaining victims on British TV? Feeds the sadists needs. Why do we pay women less for the same job that males do, because we love to humiliate women and any way is a good way, and then pretend we are against it in public, and just allow the injustice to continue.



Wake up and smell the stench!



my god i cant believe what i have just been reading anyone would think the whole of the male population was a bunch of sick perverts :loopy::loopy: you really are a man hater??:roll::roll: whose the sick one??

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my god i cant believe what i have just been reading anyone would think the whole of the male population was a bunch of sick perverts :loopy::loopy: you really are a man hater??:roll::roll: whose the sick one??



In which case I'm not sure what you just read..it certainly wasn't the post you just quoted.

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