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"Rape not the rapists' fault - It's the world's fault"

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Possibly because it's so rare for men to have a man denouncing other males? We're used to our own sex descending like a pack of harpies to rip other women to pieces if we don't conform to the accepted standards but it rarely happens vice versa.


I know men who don't agree with prevailing male attitudes in their work or social circles but they rarely have the balls to comment or criticise. They may not nod or smile or join in, but they very rarely say "oy mate, don't agree with that" or "would you like anyone to talk about your sister/mother/daughter like that"? or even "you do realise you're coming perilously close to endorsing rape/domestic vioence/whatever"?


So I suppose it's hard for men to accept that another man would be so downright about things? Just a hypothesis *she says mildly* before anyone starts getting their boxers in a twist.


That's all true, usually it is women who are most vocal in their criticism of male violence against women. It's also very easy to try and undermine any such woman and label her as a man hating sexually dysfunctional harridan when hearing uncomfortable truths, which Erebus has already been accused of by various posters on here.


A lot of men are as critical of the worst aspects of macho culture that enable violence against women, I have seldom seen them being accused of being mad, gay or ugly in the same way that we are. I have also had a lot of conversations with a variety of men over the years who refer to 'how the male mind works'. How many women have been warned by their partners and fathers about male friends whom they believe to have ulterior motives and have heard the words 'I know how the male mind works, he is after you'? And I am not referring to possessive control freak types either.

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Why? Would that make a difference to the findings?


Yes it would make a difference, when you ask only 1007 women if they’ve been raped and then extrapolate that into 25% of all women have been raped there is going to be a massive scope for error. What the survey actually tells us is that out of 1107 women asked 277 claimed to have been raped.


If I went out door knocking and asked 1000 women if they had been raped and they all said no would that then mean no one has ever been raped?

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That's all true, usually it is women who are most vocal in their criticism of male violence against women. It's also very easy to try and undermine any such woman and label her as a man hating sexually dysfunctional harridan when hearing uncomfortable truths, which Erebus has already been accused of by various posters on here.



That could be due to many women living in a happy loving non violent relationship resenting a flawed survey implying that some of them must have been raped by their partner and they are too scared to report it.

The survey you are quoting makes an implication that some of men I know must be rapists, and as many of them have been with their currant partners for many years I would seriously doubt that accusation.

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That could be due to many women living in a happy loving non violent relationship resenting a flawed survey implying that some of them must have been raped by their partner and they are too scared to report it.

The survey you are quoting makes an implication that some of men I know must be rapists, and as many of them have been with their currant partners for many years I would seriously doubt that accusation.


Unpleasant sn idea though it is, I think the odds are that it's true.

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You want a few stats on what males love to do in the UK?

Is it football?

What is the favorite, have a guess... IS it Rape, molesting children, beating up the partner, killing the partner, killing the kids, getting a porn or child porn fix?

No ... I still think it's football.

What do you think is the most popular family passtime?????

Oh, family past time. Is it ... maybe ... board games?

Its how males like to do it, less chance of getting charged that way.

That collective noun again. It's your downfall.

What proportion of programs on TV involve various violent acts against women? Violence against women on TV is entertainment for closet pervs.

My gf just got 'The Killing' boxset. Is she included in this closet perv group?


In conclusion, a mass of crap.

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Sexism is alive and well in Sheffield Forum, as the perverts scrabble about making excuses for the fact that 25% of all women have had the honor of being raped or beaten up, never mind the insidious psychological put downs so popular with the emotionally underdeveloped male.


Just go through the male replies, defending their sex regarding abuse to both women and children. They just cannot help it, as retards caught in repetitive behaviors cannot break the habits.


How can they repeatedly try and undermine the facts, MR. Smith a prime candidate, questioning bias of rape cases, as MUST be the result of women with an agenda. Just read his many replies, so typical of the male, the closet obsessive misogynist.


Well Mr. Smith and your pervy friends, rape is under reported, just ask a policeman, they think like you, women just ask for it, by being in the public sphere. Maybe they should all be covered in Burka’s, but then you would turn on your Islamic phobias, and covering up, allows one to insult them for just being…..well women.


Males in the UK cannot help being retarded emotionally, never met a male not insecure, despite the public display of male bravado. They know more about their car than their partners, as UK males cannot understand women, too emotional, so why bother. They only want sexual access anyway. The educated, refined male, slopping his alcohol at the weekend and his boasts of 5 minute sex, confident he preformed perfectly basking in the admiration of his mates. UK males are so good at relationships that women vote with their feet, making some males kill their children, partner and then themselves. Its a shame they do not do us all favor and top themselves, but they have to display with pride the carnage that has festered in their minds for years.


So many male replies on this site, superficially sound enquiring or questioning, but behind the front, lurks a POTENTIAL threat. Males are that POTENTIAL threat, all of them are capable, most try and control it, and it seems it just needs a nerve to be touched, and MR. Mild turns into a monster.

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He has said 'a significant percentage' and referred to what the statistics evidence, admittedly not having provided any. What we know about in terms of statistics is the tip of the iceberg as the vast majority of rapes and child abuses cases are not reported. I have worked with emotionally distressed adults and behind every single one of those cases, 95% of which were female, there was a history of child sex abuse, rape or domestic violence, in some cases all 3. Also anedotal evidence from people working with female victims of rape shows that due to high profile rape trials and the public awareness of low conviction rates, women are less likely to report rape than ever, particularly when it involved someone known to them, which accounts for the overwhelming majority of rapes.


According to Women's Aid, 1 in 4 women will experience domestic violence at some point in their lifetime. 1 in 4 women have experienced rape or attempted rape. Violence against women is undeniably a huge problem.





Given that 25% of women have experienced both types of violence it is fair to assume that it is not a tiny percentage of men committing all these crimes against a much higher percentage of women.


I don't disagree with a lot of that, but if somebody is going to claim that rape and abuse is a "popular passtime" for adult males in this country, I'd like to see a bit of evidence to back up the claim.


Your links show how many women have been victims in their lifetime, but I doubt there is any conclusive evidence about how many men have been perpetrators in their lifetime. For example, if a man is that way inclined, he could be responsible for multiple cases of rape and abuse over his lifetime.


So the 1 in 4 women statistic will not necessarily be mirrored by an equal statistic of male perpetrators.

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Hmmm, that last post read to me as if Erebus is a male.


erebus appears to be a man ... if using the phrase 'we males' means anything? Perhaps he's just calling it like he sees it? Does that make it any better for you, or worse?



Behave you too.

Of course its a man!

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