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"Rape not the rapists' fault - It's the world's fault"

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If it were a biased sample it would not have any credibility nor would it feature in numerous official reports. These surveys are not like the market research ones with someone standing on Fargate looking bored clutching a clipboard stopping random passers-by who look vaguely approachable. They are designed to sample a cross section of the population which is represenative of the general population as a whole.


you would hope not but you can't be sure just because its used in official reports that it would not be biased-biased reports are often used in reality because they are usually funded by people with an agenda. The examples I know of are often from america but I am sure it regularly happens here (thinking of labours "statistics" whilst they were in power, I am sure all the political parties do it though)

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The rape of a stranger is extremely rare. There is a much higher chance of rape by entering into a relationship, but it would be silly to call that a 'high risk' activity.



That's a factor that a child can't control.


Edit; Ah. I understand. That's a pyschological factor.


I was talking about higher risk groups to sample from not high risk activities. If you ask a group of drunk women stumbling out of club at 3am and compare that to a group leaving church on a sunday morning the statistics are likely to be skewed in different directions because church is a lower risk behaviour than being drunk in a club. It doesn't have to be a stranger it could be a customer at a bar or a boyfriend the point was just about sampling.

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The figure being quoted on a variety of websites about the incidence of child sex abuse; domestic violence and rape is roughly 25%. There will be some overlap here, however, even taking this into account, it is alarming.


No one is really clear on the contributory and/or causal factor of porn. However, I have read somewhere about young women complaining about the effect that porn has on the sexual dynamics of their relationships, the male expectations of personal grooming and also how in up to a third of divorce cases, it is cited as being a reason for the marriage breakdown.

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But if the women had been questioned say 12 months prior to the RCC survey as a general population questionnaire you would most likely have got a skewed result because of the effects of violence. Most sexual violence isn't a one off crime..it's a continual crime.


As part of a caseload many years back a woman was the victim of physical and sexual abuse..it went on from 6 moths into the marriage for about 9 years..then all of a sudden it stopped, but always in fear of him. He still had control by default. Sadly there was a reason for him stopping being violent towards his wife..they had a daughter...he was a doctor and a magistrate.


If you can understand the fear violence generates and the fear of more violence by not conforming to the "Happy housewife" you will get some idea why women go underground and unreported..even to the point of protecting their abusers.


it is less likely to be skewed than if you sample from users of a rape crisis centre, and its a different issue.


I am not suggesting they used that sampling method its just important to state that kind of thing when a statistic is mentioned.

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Because of the nature of the crime I would be suspicious of a result taken generally off the street for obvious reasons...even if it was asking Men if they were sexually violent, which would result in no sex/violence crime whatsoever towards women..yeah right.


Of course males within the general population just can't wait to divulge how violent they are towards their children and wives.:roll:

The women were asked about them being abused, not if they had been abusers. A similar survey of males would ask them about if/how they had been abused. How can you possibly twist that into a situation where they would be asked to volunteer that they had been "sexually violent" or "how violent they are towards their children and wives"?

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I was talking about higher risk groups to sample from not high risk activities. If you ask a group of drunk women stumbling out of club at 3am and compare that to a group leaving church on a sunday morning the statistics are likely to be skewed in different directions because church is a lower risk behaviour than being drunk in a club. It doesn't have to be a stranger it could be a customer at a bar or a boyfriend the point was just about sampling.


But no general survery would ever do that. They would only look at specific groups if the aim was to ascertain how many drunk women falling out of bars at 3:00am are raped, for example.

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I was talking about higher risk groups to sample from not high risk activities.

Being in a group that regularly walks about alone at night implies that walking about alone at night is a high risk activity. It's not exactly false, whatever your rationale, but there are much riskier things to do in life in regards of being raped.


If you ask a group of drunk women stumbling out of club at 3am and compare that to a group leaving church on a sunday morning the statistics are likely to be skewed in different directions because church is a lower risk behaviour than being drunk in a club.

Women who go to church walk about regularly alone at night? I don't understand you.

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Being in a group that regularly walks about alone at night implies that walking about alone at night is a high risk activity. It's not exactly false, whatever your rationale, but there are much riskier things to do in life in regards of being raped.



Women who go to church walk about regularly alone at night? I don't understand you.


To reassure Llamatron and others who are disputing the integrity and veracity of these statistics, I have emailed Rape Crisis asking them for further information on the survey sampling method.


They are a very under-resourced and busy organisation, so I don't know if and when I will get a response.

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Being in a group that regularly walks about alone at night implies that walking about alone at night is a high risk activity. It's not exactly false, whatever your rationale, but there are much riskier things to do in life in regards of being raped.



Women who go to church walk about regularly alone at night? I don't understand you.


no I said compare the findings of asking a group of drunk girls out clubbing with the findings from a group who have just left church.


I wouldn't say a female regularly walking around alone at night was low risk though either.

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