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"Rape not the rapists' fault - It's the world's fault"

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I don't know about other men but when my other half doesn't want sex she's not having sex, please enlighten me as to how one coerces their partner into doing something she doesn’t want to do. :o

agreed :hihi::hihi:when my other half wants sex she says so.......no negotiation:hihi:

i always do as i am told:love:

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So you want to know which age group, and ethnicity of people being raped...sounds like some sort male fantasy wrapped up as genuine interest. Your past posts suggest you have a little bit of an agenda, or is that personal problem? You are not interested in facts it seems..... just salivating like a normal male over potential victims, psychological masturbation by any measure!.


Previously you made some valid points and appeared to have deep concern for the plight of women and children affected by rape,to the point that some of us were almost defending your over expressive remarks and trying to understand the reasons behind them.Your last comments are not doing any favours to those victims.What you are doing now is just attacking an individual to gain some sort of personal satisfaction.

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i agree and to tar all males with basically the same brush is totally wrong.

as you say this is a very serious issue confined on the whole to a relativley small sick section of the male population!

any man that get pleasure from forcing themselves on to someone be it man /women/child is very sick! what is the point? power? i have no idea.

rapists and the like must be born with some urge that they cant control, in my opinion should be locked away for life.

of course we have carnal desires but normal people dont act on them if they are not reciprocated and to say that porn and films etc create rapists is plain mad!

we all know there are some serious sickos out there.......maybe some on here with reverse agendas??:suspect::suspect:


Rape is about power, control, misogyny and a sense of entitlement, in my view. That is also the received wisdom.

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So males are not responsible for the following. The point is MALES in general have a problem, 25% of the male population which is a few million, far too many to put in prison. Its not suppose to be a discussion of right or wrong, but that all males should realise that it is predominantly a male problem and not just individuals.


It seems no one can suggest how to solve this MALE problem, or even address it.


No wonder it continues through generation after generation if the only answer is to lock up the extreme cases.


One is 4 children and women being molested seems a serious issue to me, and manly by family or friends. Males have a problem with their sexuality, and sex, hence the mass abuse.


Any grown ups on this site?


5,115 offences of rape of a female child under 16


918 offences of rape of a male child under 16


4,301 offences of sexual assault on a female child under 13


1,125 offences of sexual assault on a male child under 13


5,806 offences of sexual activity involving a child under 16


152 offences of abuse of children through prostitution and pornography


310 offences of sexual grooming.



Its happening now in a home near you.... wake up!

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So males are not responsible for the following. The point is MALES in general have a problem, 25% of the male population which is a few million, far too many to put in prison. Its not suppose to be a discussion of right or wrong, but that all males should realise that it is predominantly a male problem and not just individuals.


It seems no one can suggest how to solve this MALE problem, or even address it.


No wonder it continues through generation after generation if the only answer is to lock up the extreme cases.


One is 4 children and women being molested seems a serious issue to me, and manly by family or friends. Males have a problem with their sexuality, and sex, hence the mass abuse.


Any grown ups on this site?


5,115 offences of rape of a female child under 16


918 offences of rape of a male child under 16


4,301 offences of sexual assault on a female child under 13


1,125 offences of sexual assault on a male child under 13


5,806 offences of sexual activity involving a child under 16


152 offences of abuse of children through prostitution and pornography


310 offences of sexual grooming.



Its happening now in a home near you.... wake up!


I have never disputed that, however, I do think that it is totally out of order to accuse a male poster of having rape fantasies. As for males in general, I would qualify that with the following:


Male sexuality is indeed anathema to many women. Women do not frequent male prostitutes in the same way that men do with female ones nor lap dancing clubs etc nor do we consume visual porn on any way the same level. However, what differentiates the wheat from the chaff is those who will act on whatever it is that drives them to rape and commit other acts of sexual abuse. The majority of men are not rapists or child sex abusers, a significant number is and any number is one too many as far as I am concerned. Don't fall into that trap of alienating potential supporters of your cause by using such inflammatory and emotive language. It is a serious issue, without doubt, and one that I have spent years campaigning about.

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Yes, I do. As I said earlier, how many men and women on here recognise the scenario where a male has pressurised his female partner into sex, when she repeatedly said 'no'? If he ignores her and continues, that is rape. Just because he has has sex with her before and didn't knock her about does not mean that it isn't rape. Guaranteed that the vast majority of women who have had this experience will never report it.

Maybe what you say happens in some relationships but I think you are exagerating the situation.

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It would account for a significant percentage of the 1 in 4 figure, which is what the research states.


How can it be rape if she consents to sex and if she doesn’t consent what mechanism does the man use to force his partner to have sex.

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