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"Rape not the rapists' fault - It's the world's fault"

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It would account for a significant percentage of the 1 in 4 figure, which is what the research states.

If a woman agrees to sex to please her partner(when there is no violence or threats) when she is not in the mood does this equate to rape ?

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No, and I don't know anyone that has been raped or anyone that has committed rape, the only relevance that would have is that because of my experience I am extremely doubtful that 25% of the male population are rapists and that 25% of the female population have been raped, I can understand though why a rapist or some that has been raped repeatedly may completely agree with the survey.


:huh:I've never been raped either.


So, you disagree with the figures based on your complete lack of association of the subject but you understand that a victim would agree with the survey? (Why?because it fits in with victim logic? Some sort of agenda based on lefty ideals? Possible porn related....'don't shatter my illusions please'.)


Is there a figure you would consider feasible based on your pure lack of association/knowledge? 5%? 11%? Also, because someone hasn't confided in you personally is that evidence alone that rape/violence isn't calculable.


Because of your experience..or lack of it, I wouldn't be surprised if you thought rape didn't exist based on your above logic...I don't know why you're even attempting to question the figures..be it 25% or 1.5%.

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I have never disputed that, however, I do think that it is totally out of order to accuse a male poster of having rape fantasies. As for males in general, I would qualify that with the following:


Male sexuality is indeed anathema to many women. Women do not frequent male prostitutes in the same way that men do with female ones nor lap dancing clubs etc nor do we consume visual porn on any way the same level. However, what differentiates the wheat from the chaff is those who will act on whatever it is that drives them to rape and commit other acts of sexual abuse. The majority of men are not rapists or child sex abusers, a significant number is and any number is one too many as far as I am concerned. Don't fall into that trap of alienating potential supporters of your cause by using such inflammatory and emotive language. It is a serious issue, without doubt, and one that I have spent years campaigning about.

you cannot generalise males the same as i cant or shouldnt generalise females? there are plenty of women who are just as predatory as men and have far more carnal urges than the run of the mill male.

women dont frequent male prostitutes because they dont have to, any women can "if they want to" on any given occasion find someone to have sex with.......we men are pretty shallow i grant you! i have known some women who like to view some erotic material fims etc and also find it a turn on to visit dancing clubs here and abroad.

you cannot generalise just because you havent met any who do?

personally i think the figures that as you say 1 in 4 are wildly out...but saying that "just one" is too many

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you cannot generalise males the same as i cant or shouldnt generalise females? there are plenty of women who are just as predatory as men and have far more carnal urges than the run of the mill male.

women dont frequent male prostitutes because they dont have to, any women can "if they want to" on any given occasion find someone to have sex with.......we men are pretty shallow i grant you! i have known some women who like to view some erotic material fims etc and also find it a turn on to visit dancing clubs here and abroad.

you cannot generalise just because you havent met any who do?

personally i think the figures that as you say 1 in 4 are wildly out...but saying that "just one" is too many

I never said that there aren't women who fit that description, however female on male rape is far less common. I would argue that most men could get laid if they want to, it doesn't prevent them from visiting prostitutes. Why do celebrities do it? Any celebrity, no matter what he looks like, has huge pulling power and erotic capital.

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Er, the whole point is that she does not consent. Men use threats, bullying, force.



So you are claiming that the vast majority of alleged rapes are men using force to have sex with there partners and that they are unreported and no evidence is ever presented. So we don't actually know if rape as even taken place or how prevalent it is.

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So you are claiming that the vast majority of alleged rapes are men using force to have sex with there partners and that they are unreported and no evidence is ever presented. So we don't actually know if rape as even taken place or how prevalent it is.


That argument could be applied to all unreported rapes. I've already posted that stats, look back over them. If you want to remain on this state of denial then so be it.

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:huh:I've never been raped either.


So, you disagree with the figures based on your complete lack of association of the subject but you understand that a victim would agree with the survey? (Why?because it fits in with victim logic? Some sort of agenda based on lefty ideals? Possible porn related....'don't shatter my illusions please'.)


Is there a figure you would consider feasible based on your pure lack of association/knowledge? 5%? 11%? Also, because someone hasn't confided in you personally is that evidence alone that rape/violence isn't calculable.


Because of your experience..or lack of it, I wouldn't be surprised if you thought rape didn't exist based on your above logic...I don't know why you're even attempting to question the figures..be it 25% or 1.5%.


No, I don’t believe the figures because the survey was to small, lacked detail and sounds completely imposable, if I new people that had been raped or committed rape then I may have been more inclined to believe the figures.

For instance if out of my friends 20% or so of them had been raped then the survey would support what I already knew, so I would be more inclined to believe it was accurate, but because I don’t know any one that has been raped I would tend to think the figure is massively exaggerated.

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I never said that there aren't women who fit that description, however female on male rape is far less common. I would argue that most men could get laid if they want to, it doesn't prevent them from visiting prostitutes. Why do celebrities do it? Any celebrity, no matter what he looks like, has huge pulling power and erotic capital.


They occasionally assume incorrectly that a woman has consented to sex only to find out afterwards that actually she didn't because she was incapable of consent.

Celebrities make easy targets for money grabbers.

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No, I don’t believe the figures because the survey was to small, lacked detail and sounds completely imposable, if I new people that had been raped or committed rape then I may have been more inclined to believe the figures.

For instance if out of my friends 20% or so of them had been raped then the survey would support what I already knew, so I would be more inclined to believe it was accurate, but because I don’t know any one that has been raped I would tend to think the figure is massively exaggerated.


I know women who have been raped but have yet to meet a man who had admitted to it. I have yet to meet a man who had admitted to using the services of a prostitute but statistically I must know some.


Rape is not something that women like to discuss openly because they are all too frequently blamed for it. That is why places like Rape Crisis exist, they can offload without being judged.

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