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"Rape not the rapists' fault - It's the world's fault"

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I must have completely imagined being brought up in a family where all the men were mainly concerned with protecting me from harm and looking after me then. Either that, I'm a total oddity or you're talking balls.


Totally agree. Most men wouldn't even think about raping a woman.

A minority might, like some women have rape fantasies. Then theres a very small minority of sick individuals who would actually do it. Prob 0.01% of the male pop.

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This judge, Hawkesworth, has a history of lenience on child sex offenders.


In 2011 he sentenced a 26 year old man who had groomed a 14 year old for sex. He had arranged a meeting where he planned to abuse her and she was only rescued as her brother found texts and alerted the police. Hawkesworth refused to jail him and described him as 'simply a young man'.


In 2008 a pensioner tried to lure a 13 year old boy into his camper van to watch porn. Police investigating found a stash of 1,400 pornographic images of children plus video footage he had taken of children in the local area. He only gave him a 3 year supervision order and refused to jail.


In 2002 he sentenced a man convicted of sexually abusing a four year old and her sister by forcing them to perform lewd acts was jailed for only 9 months.


In 2003 he dealt with a teacher convicted of gross indecency with a 14 year old child. He described the events as 'This was really a relationship forged in an atmosphere of mutual affection'.


In 2009 he dealt with a 21 year old student who had more than 1000 pornographic images of children including babies and toddlers and including two day old babies and images of child rape. He refused to jail calling it 'cruel and pointless' and wished him to be able to continue his studies.


There are further instances on record too if you google. It's tempting to think that this judge holds a personal view that child sex offences are not that serious and often justifiable.


that IS very worrying.

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What on earth do you expect from a MALE judge? Males love porn, love child molesting which as we know is a family passtime, males rape and hardly ever get prosecuted, so that OK, gives the green light. Males love being violent to their partners, so do not be surprised by any retarded male attitude. Not all males of course but if there was a referendum, and all males who like children in various forms voted there would be more votes to legalise it than vote for a peatry in the election.


Wake up, in general MALES have a problem, which they refuse to address, seeing it as not their problem, when the reality is its a malke thng is rape, domestic violence, child porn, and the family favourite child abuse.


Now wait for the males to justify the fact it is not them, nor a gender problem.

I believe you are wrong and in fact all women are just asking for it.




(I don't believe this view but if we are all going to make stupid sweeping statements why not)

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Just read how the MALES squeal, their personal innocence, and point the finger at women, for the male addiction to RAPE, MOLESTING CHILDREN, and the favorite pastime when P**sed in the UK, beating up the partner.


It’s always someone else, so not interested in the issue, no perverts in our town, while child porn and adult porn floods the internet for the secretive frustrated retard.


So be proud that its men that RAPE, its MEN that mainly love child porn, and molest their children in the comfort of their own home. Its instinct so that’s OK then???!!!


Its nothing personal, but its surely a male problem, as its a male behavior, but its hard to accept its mainly a male preserve, when squealing like pigs telling the world and other perverts how clean and innocent you all are.


Wake up, in general MALES have a problem, which they refuse as a group to address, it scares them to be associated with common male practices. So go and watch it at the movies, then surely you are not condoning it are you? Seeing it as not their problem, when the reality such things like rape of women and children is a male thing, popular with TV viewers and DVD addicts, thus sanitizing it maybe? Don’t you just love a bit of male violence on TV where the fantasy is safe to watch?.

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As you phrased it (as well as your reply partly quoted above), yes of course.


There is a reason why such material consistently carries 18-cert, adult warnings and/or access restrictions. I would hold this as the social 'norm'. Pr0n is not a new thing, it's been around centuries, and Internet pr0n for a couple of decades by now.


A 14 year-old should not be watching pr0n, period. Never mind raping, and never mind an infant, at that. There is a very clear-cut parental failure in this case, of quite some magnitude, and his parents should be made to carry their fair bit of the can, in addition to some obviously very urgent psychological assessment and treatment of that 14 year-old.


In several civil law jurisdictions I know, his parents would be coping a criminal sentence and for civil damages, as legally liable for his actions. As well as for parental negligence where their kid is concerned.


See - no need to answer your question: you know the parental/social 'norm' as well as the vast majority of readers/posters on here, I'm quite sure.


Then you are wrong..it wasn't a trick question. And yes I agree..I do know the correct parental/social norm. This isn't about parental guidance, most children can access with or without parental guidance. Many children do access and pass it off as 'experience'. Some, and I stress some, don't. The question if that's the case, is WHY? The son/daughter of Beelzebub? Born evil? Or something a little more complex?


Asking the question is a means to an answer "why don't you allow your child to watch porn" If the answer is no, then why if it has no influencing or corrupting possibilities? What negative effects can it have? What are we protecting our children from? Our own embarrassment/fears.


I don't allow my child to watch porn which incidentally isn't governed by the "norm" watershed..why? Because porn isn't real, it doesn't reflect or educate in anyway to relationships sexual or otherwise, to a young mind it could. Hell it has possibilities with adults! Porn glorifies rape..even to the point that the "victim" enjoys it eventually...and this is the stuff that you and I make generally available to young minds (as a collective)


Regardless of the judge and his past record on sex cases I will agree with him on this regarding societies responsibility, after our own responsibility as parents, society also has to take responsibility as a collective too. We influence our children every day from the day they are born until the day they leave..I'm not stupid enough to realise that some children don't have that umbrella. What he did was unquestionably wrong, but don't sound so surprised when it comes back and bites you in the ass.

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What is often ignored is that young people who take part in the filming of porn videos can be victims too.Many of them are being exploited and are desperate for money to fund a drug habit.


Children must be protected from harm.




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Just read how the MALES squeal, their personal innocence, and point the finger at women, for the male addiction to RAPE, MOLESTING CHILDREN, and the favorite pastime when P**sed in the UK, beating up the partner.


It’s always someone else, so not interested in the issue, no perverts in our town, while child porn and adult porn floods the internet for the secretive frustrated retard.


So be proud that its men that RAPE, its MEN that mainly love child porn, and molest their children in the comfort of their own home. Its instinct so that’s OK then???!!!


Its nothing personal, but its surely a male problem, as its a male behavior, but its hard to accept its mainly a male preserve, when squealing like pigs telling the world and other perverts how clean and innocent you all are.


Wake up, in general MALES have a problem, which they refuse as a group to address, it scares them to be associated with common male practices. So go and watch it at the movies, then surely you are not condoning it are you? Seeing it as not their problem, when the reality such things like rape of women and children is a male thing, popular with TV viewers and DVD addicts, thus sanitizing it maybe? Don’t you just love a bit of male violence on TV where the fantasy is safe to watch?.



I think you have a bit of an agenda against men.

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