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"Rape not the rapists' fault - It's the world's fault"

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Just read how the MALES squeal, their personal innocence, and point the finger at women, for the male addiction to RAPE, MOLESTING CHILDREN, and the favorite pastime when P**sed in the UK, beating up the partner.


It’s always someone else, so not interested in the issue, no perverts in our town, while child porn and adult porn floods the internet for the secretive frustrated retard.


So be proud that its men that RAPE, its MEN that mainly love child porn, and molest their children in the comfort of their own home. Its instinct so that’s OK then???!!!


Its nothing personal, but its surely a male problem, as its a male behavior, but its hard to accept its mainly a male preserve, when squealing like pigs telling the world and other perverts how clean and innocent you all are.


Wake up, in general MALES have a problem, which they refuse as a group to address, it scares them to be associated with common male practices. So go and watch it at the movies, then surely you are not condoning it are you? Seeing it as not their problem, when the reality such things like rape of women and children is a male thing, popular with TV viewers and DVD addicts, thus sanitizing it maybe? Don’t you just love a bit of male violence on TV where the fantasy is safe to watch?.



obviously from your posts we can all tell you do not like man, but i would like to know why you feel this way ?

to say that every man on the planet rapes women and molests children is probably the most ridiculous statement i have ever heard or seen.


and yet the most ridiculous part is you think its only men, so women do not get involved in domestic violence and fighting ?, women do not molest and abuse children ? women do not commit rape ?


yes yes and yes women do all of these things aswell so take all your rubbish about man being inherently evil, put it in a box and go get some help, because your mind is in the middle of crazy town :loopy:

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The responsibility lies with the parents, and probably their parents too.


If my son at 14 had done such a hideous thing to a 5 yr old, he knows he would have had me to contend with, let alone a judge!!!


I taught him right from wrong, and respect. I learnt that from my parents, and they from theirs.

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No, but I'd lay plenty of money that all rapists use porn.


Maybe without the release that porn gives them they would commit more rapes.




Does pornography breed rape? Do violent movies breed violent crime? Quite the opposite, it seems.


First, porn. What happens when more people view more of it? The rise of the Internet offers a gigantic natural experiment. Better yet, because Internet usage caught on at different times in different states, it offers 50 natural experiments.

The bottom line on these experiments is, "More Net access, less rape." A 10 percent increase in Net access yields about a 7.3 percent decrease in reported rapes. States that adopted the Internet quickly saw the biggest declines. And, according to Clemson professor Todd Kendall, the effects remain even after you control for all of the obvious confounding variables, such as alcohol consumption, police presence, poverty and unemployment rates, population density, and so forth.


So, the auxiliary evidence is all consistent with the hypothesis that Net access reduces rape because Net access makes it easy to find porn.


Just a thought.:)

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No, but I'd lay plenty of money that all rapists use porn.


Maybe. Loads of men watch porn and plenty of women too. No link between porn use and rape (unless people are watching 'rape porn', then I guess it might matter).

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Just read how the MALES squeal, their personal innocence, and point the finger at women, for the male addiction to RAPE, MOLESTING CHILDREN, and the favorite pastime when P**sed in the UK, beating up the partner.


It’s always someone else, so not interested in the issue, no perverts in our town, while child porn and adult porn floods the internet for the secretive frustrated retard.


So be proud that its men that RAPE, its MEN that mainly love child porn, and molest their children in the comfort of their own home. Its instinct so that’s OK then???!!!


Its nothing personal, but its surely a male problem, as its a male behavior, but its hard to accept its mainly a male preserve, when squealing like pigs telling the world and other perverts how clean and innocent you all are.


Wake up, in general MALES have a problem, which they refuse as a group to address, it scares them to be associated with common male practices. So go and watch it at the movies, then surely you are not condoning it are you? Seeing it as not their problem, when the reality such things like rape of women and children is a male thing, popular with TV viewers and DVD addicts, thus sanitizing it maybe? Don’t you just love a bit of male violence on TV where the fantasy is safe to watch?.


I'm a woman actually. I just have to be a woman who, like the vast majority of other women, was brought up in a family where the men around us had the primary concern of protecting us and looking after us. I had male family friends who were doting and fond of me. I have male friends and colleagues who I trust and have often gone out of their way to do things like walk me home or give me lifts home to ensure I was safe. I have a husband who also looks after me and is kind to me and have ex boyfriends who whilst being in posession of varying degrees of twatiness never harmed me and were concerned for my safety.


In short, my own personal experience has taught me most men are alright and not in the slightest bit rapey.

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BADLITTLEPUP: Trills from her wprldly knowlegde that ....My husband has not beaten me up, or molested the kids, so accusing men must be wrong, and, and...and....


So the crap artists cannot understand anything without taking it personally. Cannot be objective, as that is not "wot theDaily Mail" told me to think.


Males the creepy ones point the fingers at woman, who rape do they, beat up men thus hospitalising them, and women molest little children and rape them? Typical male denial, "cos I don't therefore o@vers don't" and I iz edukated like, so not fik.....


THe drivel, the pathetic excuses, denying the facts, and stats if you know what that word means. Get out and smell the coffee!


I was not accusing anyone on this site, but balls felt squeezed did they, too close for comfort, well, MALES in general (not all) still think rape is a womans fault, just like the judge thinks which this sodding thing is all about.

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