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"Rape not the rapists' fault - It's the world's fault"

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My husband has not beaten me up, or molested the kids, so accusing men must be wrong, and, and...and....


So the crap artists cannot understand anything without taking it personally. Cannot be objective, as that is not "wot theDaily Mail" told me to think.


Males the creepy ones point the fingers at woman, who rape do they, beat up men thus hospitalising them, and women molest little children and rape them? Typical male denial, "cos I don't therefore o@vers don't" and I iz edukated like, so not fik.....


THe drivel, the pathetic excuses, denying the facts, and stats if you know what that word means. Get out and smell the coffee!


I was not accusing anyone on this site, but balls felt squeezed did they, too close for comfort, well, MALES in general (not all) still think rape is a womans fault, just like the judge thinks which this sodding thing is all about.


You have some sort of psychological issue with men. I suggest you go for a long lie down then seek therapy.

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My husband has not beaten me up, or molested the kids, so accusing men must be wrong, and, and...and....


So the crap artists cannot understand anything without taking it personally. Cannot be objective, as that is not "wot theDaily Mail" told me to think.


Males the creepy ones point the fingers at woman, who rape do they, beat up men thus hospitalising them, and women molest little children and rape them? Typical male denial, "cos I don't therefore o@vers don't" and I iz edukated like, so not fik.....


THe drivel, the pathetic excuses, denying the facts, and stats if you know what that word means. Get out and smell the coffee!


I was not accusing anyone on this site, but balls felt squeezed did they, too close for comfort, well, MALES in general (not all) still think rape is a womans fault, just like the judge thinks which this sodding thing is all about.



If you were a man slagging off women, I'm pretty sure you'd be facing criminal charges for sexism.

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My husband has not beaten me up, or molested the kids, so accusing men must be wrong, and, and...

So all men are rapists and child abusers yet your own husband hasn't done any of that. So are you waiting for him to do it or is your statement just twaddle. Now I genuinely feel sorry for hubby and any sons you may have.

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My husband has not beaten me up, or molested the kids, so accusing men must be wrong, and, and...and....


So the crap artists cannot understand anything without taking it personally. Cannot be objective, as that is not "wot theDaily Mail" told me to think.


Males the creepy ones point the fingers at woman, who rape do they, beat up men thus hospitalising them, and women molest little children and rape them? Typical male denial, "cos I don't therefore o@vers don't" and I iz edukated like, so not fik.....


THe drivel, the pathetic excuses, denying the facts, and stats if you know what that word means. Get out and smell the coffee!


I was not accusing anyone on this site, but balls felt squeezed did they, too close for comfort, well, MALES in general (not all) still think rape is a womans fault, just like the judge thinks which this sodding thing is all about.


You're either a tedious troll or a genuine woman in need of pyscological help.


Either way the forum is not the way forward for you.

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I agree with erebus, who on my opinion is not saying that all men are rapists, child abusers, spousal beaters but that when it comes to violence and sex crimes, the vast majority are committed by men against women and children. Furthermore, s/he is correct in the prevailing view that rape is somehow the fault of woman and/or society. This and the criminal justice system enable rapists to get away with their crimes, that is of the tiny amount that are actually reported. Most victims of sex crimes do not report them and there is a multitude of women in abusive relationships who have normalised their partner's behaviour and are so worn down and disempowered that they never go to the police, so are not part of the statistics.


You only have to read the plethora of threads on here on the topic to see how many people, men and women, hold the victim more responsible than the actual rapist. I have worked with rapists, wife beaters and sex offenders and the overwhelming majority do not take any responsibility for their actions, they blame the victim. Paedophiles will frequently state that their victims enjoyed it, rapists that they were led on or women don't know the effect that they have on men when dressing a certain way, women batterers blame nagging/errant/flirtatious partners who provoke them.


This judge is a total disgrace and has no business sitting on the bench and should not be allowed to try sex crimes.


ETA: I have also worked with many victims of rape, domestic violence and sex abuse, not one of them reported their abuser(s). It is far more widespread than official statistics convey.

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Totally agree. Most men wouldn't even think about raping a woman.

A minority might, like some women have rape fantasies. Then theres a very small minority of sick individuals who would actually do it. Prob 0.01% of the male pop.


It is a far higher figure than that and improve to get a true picture as it is a vastly underreported crime and men are hardly coming forward in droves to admit that they're rapists. How many men, I wonder, do not take 'no' for an answer and pressurise/coerce their partners into sex and/or sulk/go off on one when they get turned down, to the extent that their partner just gives in for the sake of a quiet life and/or to be left alone? I bet that a lot of men and women recognise that scenario alone.

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Then you are wrong..it wasn't a trick question. And yes I agree..I do know the correct parental/social norm. This isn't about parental guidance, most children can access with or without parental guidance. Many children do access and pass it off as 'experience'. Some, and I stress some, don't. The question if that's the case, is WHY? The son/daughter of Beelzebub? Born evil? Or something a little more complex?


Asking the question is a means to an answer "why don't you allow your child to watch porn" If the answer is no, then why if it has no influencing or corrupting possibilities? What negative effects can it have? What are we protecting our children from? Our own embarrassment/fears.


I don't allow my child to watch porn which incidentally isn't governed by the "norm" watershed..why? Because porn isn't real, it doesn't reflect or educate in anyway to relationships sexual or otherwise, to a young mind it could. Hell it has possibilities with adults! Porn glorifies rape..even to the point that the "victim" enjoys it eventually...and this is the stuff that you and I make generally available to young minds (as a collective)


Regardless of the judge and his past record on sex cases I will agree with him on this regarding societies responsibility, after our own responsibility as parents, society also has to take responsibility as a collective too. We influence our children every day from the day they are born until the day they leave..I'm not stupid enough to realise that some children don't have that umbrella. What he did was unquestionably wrong, but don't sound so surprised when it comes back and bites you in the ass.


I totally agree with this. I would never advocate the wholesale banning of porn as it does have a place and serves a purpose. However, there is a strong caveat with that. Kids today are basing their entire understanding of sec and sexuality upon porn and it normalises this view that women are always up for it, no matter what, ie rape.

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I totally agree with this. I would never advocate the wholesale banning of porn as it does have a place and serves a purpose. However, there is a strong caveat with that. Kids today are basing their entire understanding of sec and sexuality upon porn and it normalises this view that women are always up for it, no matter what, ie rape.


Then surely it normalises the view that men are always up for it too.

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I totally agree with this. I would never advocate the wholesale banning of porn as it does have a place and serves a purpose. However, there is a strong caveat with that. Kids today are basing their entire understanding of sec and sexuality upon porn and it normalises this view that women are always up for it, no matter what, ie rape.


What purpose is it serving then if it devalues women? Isn't that purpose questionable.

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