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Will retirement become a thing of the past?

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As the retirement age creeps upwards is it fair to say it will soon become a thing of the past...something enjoyed by our grandfathers and fathers in the golden years of the last century?

There will not be a statutory retirement age, or a target retirement age, it will just be a case of working until you have saved enough to retire, or working until its certified by a doctor that physically you can no longer work and then the state will hopefully bear the burden of sustaining you until you die..no pension..just ensuring you have a roof over your bed and just enough food and water.

It almost seems crazy now to have assumed we would all be able to give up work at 65..how great would that be?!

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I was watching a programme last night when it was stated that our young people now will probably have to work into their 70s. There was also mention of into their 80s! (obviously if they are capable). Personally, I wish to carry on working as long as I can. I enjoy working and if I can still work in my 70/80s, that's fine by me. There is a lot of ifs and buts though obviously

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As the retirement age creeps upwards is it fair to say it will soon become a thing of the past...something enjoyed by our grandfathers and fathers in the golden years of the last century?

There will not be a statutory retirement age, or a target retirement age, it will just be a case of working until you have saved enough to retire, or working until its certified by a doctor that physically you can no longer work and then the state will hopefully bear the burden of sustaining you until you die..no pension..just ensuring you have a roof over your bed and just enough food and water.

It almost seems crazy now to have assumed we would all be able to give up work at 65..how great would that be?!


When retirement was set at 65 how many years longer could a person have expected to live? What's life expectancy these days? How does it relate to retirement age? Genuine questions..

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Can we just remember that pensions are not free benefits. People have paid into them for a long long time. It's a form of saving.


The whole system is in crisis now because the banks have failed to give adequate returns, and Gordon Brown borrowed massive amounts of cash out of the funds in the 90s.

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I never want to retire while ever I can get about I will work to many people I've seen kick the bucket a few month after they retire, doing a bit keeps you going in my opinion I dread the thought of not having something to get up for.

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Can we just remember that pensions are not free benefits. People have paid into them for a long long time. It's a form of saving.


The whole system is in crisis now because the banks have failed to give adequate returns, and Gordon Brown borrowed massive amounts of cash out of the funds in the 90s.


Where do the banks come into the government pension? As I understand it the money paid by today's workers goes to paying today's pensioners..not from their own "savings"

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There shouldn’t be a target retirement age, everyone should retire when they feel the time is right and they can afford it.


Isn't that the case now? The only thing that's regulated is the age at which you can draw your state pension..

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Isn't that the case now? The only thing that's regulated is the age at which you can draw your state pension..


It probably is yes, what a lot of people don't think about is semi retirement in which you reduce the amount of hours you work when you can afford it or changing jobs to something more enjoyable, I work about 20 hours a week and hopefully will be able to do this for at least another 20 years. :)

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