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Amazing how the brain works

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I cmae arcoss tath aegs ago! I hvae no pbrlomes ridneag it wvehaoster ... jtus lkie tshi mohted of wirnitg! Jsut put the fsrit and the lsat lretrts of ecah wrod in the ctroctret pclae and it's a ddlode. Azimnag how the barin wkros ins't it! (as you siad!) :)


This isn't anything to do with it being the correct letters in the wrong order, but because of the way the brain reads - it doesn't read letters at all, unless it gets confused. Most of what we read is based on a prediction of the letters based on context, and using the less detailed vision we have outside of the centre of our vision. The brain gets an idea of the shape of the letters coming up, and provided it matches one of the predictions, it skips to the next block.


The "first/last letters right, middle doesn't matter" example is cleverly written, it swaps the letters round which look similar to the brain's pattern matching, but keeps the ones which differ in the same place. This means the brain decides it matches a prediction and carries on ignoring the fact that the letters are wrong.


A different amazing brain feature I learned about the other day answers why when you look at a clock, the first second takes longer to tick than normal. It's because your brain constantly edits your perception of time to "edit out" when your eyes are moving, stretching the time after an eye movement so you don't notice the movement.

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