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Syria .. whats going on ?

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why are our army's not there sorting this ? and why won't Russia help ?


Why is it our business?


Why won`t Russia help with what?.Send troops to help Assad??


Have you seen what`s going on there other than you see on BBC news?


I can send you tons of links of the Free Syrian Army executing unarmed civilians.It just doesn`t get reported as its not in the Wests interests.Its a civil war between the Alawites and Sunni Muslims.Why do you think the Saudis are throwing millions in arms for the FSA(saudi`s are sunni Muslims) and Iran is Assad`s biggest supporter (Iran are Shiite in every sense of the word :hihi: which is a branch of Alawites)


If the west were that bothered about dictatorships maybe they should be the world police and invade....


Burma (or Myanmar), Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, North Korea and Zimbabwe (overall, there are possibly approximately 70 countries that are ruled by strongmen).


I for one do not want to see a single western soldier get involved.Let them sort it themselves.

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^^^ this.


You'd think idiots like Hague would have learned from turning the 'Arab Spring' from previous unstable countries into Al Quieda base camps.


It's all propaganda, which the BBC is only too pleased to go along with.


When we had our riots last August, Syrian TV reported them in much the same way the gullible BBC have reported the various 'uprisings' in Libya, Tripoli, Egypt, Syria etc. - as 'poor oppressed people rising up against a brutal, corrupt Government' (yes Mecky, can see your reply already...).


The truth in all cases was that these people are thugs who will kill to get their way.

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Why is it our business?


Why won`t Russia help with what?.Send troops to help Assad??


Have you seen what`s going on there other than you see on BBC news?


I can send you tons of links of the Free Syrian Army executing unarmed civilians.It just doesn`t get reported as its not in the Wests interests.Its a civil war between the Alawites and Sunni Muslims.Why do you think the Saudis are throwing millions in arms for the FSA(saudi`s are sunni Muslims) and Iran is Assad`s biggest supporter (Iran are Shiite in every sense of the word :hihi: which is a branch of Alawites)


If the west were that bothered about dictatorships maybe they should be the world police and invade....


Burma (or Myanmar), Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, North Korea and Zimbabwe (overall, there are possibly approximately 70 countries that are ruled by strongmen).


I for one do not want to see a single western soldier get involved.Let them sort it themselves.


sorry for asking

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In case none of you have noticed, the armed forces are going through cutbacks and our days of policing such countries are coming to an end, we have lost enough young lads in Iraq and Afghanistan, so if your so concerned why not volunteer !


why not volunteer .... what a childish stupid thing to say ! I was only asking why no international powers were stopping women and children civilians being slaughtered and you reply with that , do me a favour and take your head from your own backside

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^^^ this.


You'd think idiots like Hague would have learned from turning the 'Arab Spring' from previous unstable countries into Al Quieda base camps.


It's all propaganda, which the BBC is only too pleased to go along with.


When we had our riots last August, Syrian TV reported them in much the same way the gullible BBC have reported the various 'uprisings' in Libya, Tripoli, Egypt, Syria etc. - as 'poor oppressed people rising up against a brutal, corrupt Government' (yes Mecky, can see your reply already...).

The truth in all cases was that these people are thugs who will kill to get their way.


Watch a lot of Syrian TV do you?

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why are our army's not there sorting this ? and why won't Russia help ?


Why should they get involved in their civil war?


They will though, already finding the terrorist organisations attacking Assad and our media with the propaganda war against them.


Russia haven't got involved because they know the situation isn't as our media would have us believe.

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mugs, no there not there even worse shooting kids barely old enough to.read ! is that worse than being a "mug"


Well that depends on your perspective.If a kid has an AK47 aimed at you(which the free Syrian army are giving them and brainwashing them at the same time) do you


A) shoot them


B)Not shoot them and Die yourself



'Free Syrian Army' Arming Children For Front Line Battles



You also have to remember that Syria is not Libya,Iraq, Afghanistan etc.

There army is very well trained and has very sophisticated air defenses.They even have an army division with 40000 troops JUST for air defense.


Certainly NATO can take these out but not without casualties.The s300 missile system is one of the most advanced in the world and if the russians have given them the s400 (unlikely) NATO will not want to send any planes in.

The S-300 is regarded as one of the most potent anti-aircraft missile systems currently fielded.Its radars have the ability to simultaneously track up to 100 targets while engaging up to 12. S-300 deployment time is five minutes.


Unless you would be the first in the field with a gun i cannot understand why anyone would want British soldiers to die.


Its in the Wests interests to keep the middle east unstable.Syria is just Americas precursor to Iran.

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