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Why are the media reporting John Terry as guilty?

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Being found not guilty by a court is, by definition, being innocent. That is what a not guilty verdict means.


If you are not convicted in a court of law, you are entirely, completely, 100% innocent and nobody has any right to claim otherwise.


Hmm just like OJ Simpson was, LMAO.

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Now that you are aware Terry was married doesn't that alter your perception at all?


It reflects badly on Terry, regardless of with whom he had an affair; but it doesn't impinge on Wayne Bridge in any way whatsoever. His affair was with someone who wasn't connected to Bridge, romantically or otherwise.

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i think footballers who are on such huge salaries should be able to take a bit of banter between themselves..... nasty as it was! without resorting to this legal farce. this was not said or done directly to camera or for public viewing it was a passing exchange of personal comments, get over it or sort it out like men:roll:

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He was found not guilty of racial abuse. There is no dispute that he used words which constitute racial abuse; he openly admitted that himself. His defence was that he responding to a question, and saying "no I did not call you a ..."


You are the only person to explain this situation properly to me ! :) NOW I understand !

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He is guilty in most peoples eyes, it was the Magistrates opinion that there was a minor chance there could be another explanation so had to find him not guilty.


A Jury would not have come to the same conclusion nor the majority of normal people.


Money got him the not guilty, they came up with a hair brained excuse and it would have been hard to rule out and it worked, well done to his solicitors. Still Guilty.

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If people believe that it is an offence to say the words that John Terry said in any circumstances, do they also believe that the journalists who reprinted the words, the lip readers in court who repeated the words, the police officer who would have charge him, and any other person who repeated the words to be guilty of racist abuse?


After all, Terry's defence was that he was only repeating the words.


OK, Terry has acted in a manner that was beyond the pale on many occasions, but and this is a big but, it's wrong to use this incident as a stick to beat him with, there are plenty of other reasons to dislike him. However, to dislike him because people judge him to be racist is wrong.

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It reflects badly on Terry, regardless of with whom he had an affair; but it doesn't impinge on Wayne Bridge in any way whatsoever. His affair was with someone who wasn't connected to Bridge, romantically or otherwise.


I didn't say it did impinge on Wayne Bridge,but the poster i was replying to had thought that Terry was single,then when being made aware he was married still gave the impression the affair didn't matter because the girl was free.

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