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Royal signals cadets

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I was in the Signals Cadets at Parson Cross, '69-'71, and we used to go up to Norbury Hall (Barnsley Rd) once a fortnight for band practice. I played the drums. (Badly as I recall)

I can't remember any names from Norbury, but on the Cross there was Mick Buxton, Plik (Alan Pilkington?) and a long in the tooth Staff Sergeant called Booker

I also went on Summer Camp one year to Warcop (which I believe is up north between Stockton and Carlisle - on that road that always gets snowed in first - is it the A66?) and had one of the best weeks of my life, running around empty field and firing blanks at bits of cardboard.


AAaahh Happy Days!!

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Sadly not. I'm afraid my finances didn't run to a camera in those days.

You're right about "Stabber". He seemed to come from a bygone era, Carry on Sergeant, national service an' all that.

I actually went on to have a succesful career in the regular Royal Signals. 17 years of absolute mayhem. Loved every minute of it.

The only thing I remembered from the cadets was how to bull boots, and using "Vertical Interval over Horizontal Equivalent" to calculate the incline of hills (in the days before percentages)

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If you want old photos, try the current detachment commander at Norbury. In 98 there was about a shoe box full dating back to the early 70s. I was there and on the cross from 72 - 75, had changed to Para cadets then. Left joined the Paras, came out, re joined as Det Commander 96 - 98. They were in an old filing cabinet, real old ones of 'Monty' as drum major and various visits inc Lord mayors parade in city! I remember most of the names of cadets and adults. Good times.

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Originally posted by Internetowl

What about CSM MAC

Compass to Map Subtract mag variation

Map to Compass Add mag variation


In the army, if you needed to dispose of something you would simply say "Mag to Grid it"

(as in, "Mag to Grid - Get rid")


The full thing was

"Grid to Mag - Add

Mag to Grid - Get rid"


"Grid" being the Map and "Mag" being the Magnetic Variation


I could also name all the parts of a Lee-Enfield 303, but that wasn't much use in the regulars as we had SLRs

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