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High Storrs School 1968 Starters

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Hi I just wondered if there are any ex High Storrs pupils out there who started their 1st year in 1968?


We were the last year to take the 11+, and only had 1 year as a girl/boys only school, the school was changed to a mixed comp in our 2nd year?


Trying to locate as many as possible, so if you have any mid-50's friends or family who might have gone to High Storrs, please point them in this direction, or pm me. Thanks all.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was in Hoffman house and had the displeasure of having a certain History teacher as a form master. He had a liking for using a slipper with a chalk marked X on the sole. Anyone else suffer from his hands?

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High Storrs School has recently published a book detailing the historic journey the school has gone through over the years. 'High Storrs, A Journey' is available for sale at a very reasonable price directly from the school.


Contact the school by phone on 0114 2670000 or look at the website for further details.

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I was in Hoffman house and had the displeasure of having a certain History teacher as a form master. He had a liking for using a slipper with a chalk marked X on the sole. Anyone else suffer from his hands?


I went there in 1970 so was a couple of years in front of you guys..I was in Nicholls house, which then changed to Herring...god they were the unhappiest years of my life at that school....


I was in Hoffman house, but after your time, Coop. I left HSS in 1980, when TBJ Mardell was still the headmaster.


I don't know who that teacher would have been but most of the ones who taught during the time I was there were okay, and not generally given to wreaking violence on the scholars.


Poppy, was that Nicholls as in Mr Nicholls the Deputy head? He has a lot to do with the Old Centralians association (the former-pupils' society)

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