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Does sweeping up still exist?

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Do people sweep outside their house anymore?


My mother always has and I've followed on after her. but I have noticed that this seems to be a dying out. Growing up I remember it was quite common for people to take pride in the appearance of the outside as well as the inside of the house. I have very rarely seen anyone on the road I live on out with a sweeping brush and pan. Also I wonder if this lack of sweeping has also contributed to the large number of drains you now see blocked, as people leave the rain to clear away the muck.

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Sweeping makes so little difference to the appearance of the outside of a house that there's really no point in doing it.


It can make the immediate enviroment look better. As can picking up rubbish that some idiots drop wherever they are. I pick up the odd bit of litter and even occasionally sweep from the end of our short drive to the pavement. It takes moments, costs nothing, and if we all did it, then litter in residential areas would not be an issue.


I grew up in a tenement flat (many years ago), and all the people in the flats had to take their turn at sweeping and washing the stairs and the entrance hall. The shared back garden was cut regularly, everyone chipped in to pay for it to be done. It was all about taking a pride in where we lived.

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I agree with you it does make a difference, pulling it the weeds and litter. We've a grass verge too next to the path and you get the odd bottle, wrapper dumped on it, easier to pick it up there than it end up floating into your garden. Out of interest those with grass verges how many run their mower over it?

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I agree with you it does make a difference, pulling it the weeds and litter. We've a grass verge too next to the path and you get the odd bottle, wrapper dumped on it, easier to pick it up there than it end up floating into your garden. Out of interest those with grass verges how many run their mower over it?


We were visiting family in Scotland recently, and the grass verge outside my sister in law's ex council house was looking pristine compared to some I see here. I mentioned it, she said the local council make such a bad job of it, her partner and their neighbours always cut their bit.


Seems as if there are the same complaints everywhere. :o

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Thursday morning was always my mothers "outside" day, where she would sweep the steps up to the front door and "white cardinal" the edges. Of course she would finish off by sweeping the pavement in front of the house as well. I once got into trouble cos I did it but swept it down the cellar grate.I remember sometimes though she would sweep it off the kerb and onto the road but only when she knew that the road sweeping lorry was coming. Having said that and going back to the OP, I distinctly remember the lorry with the pipe that came round often, like several times a week and cleaned out the drains.

I haven't seen one of those for years and often wonder when theres floods, if they still do that nowadays. If not, WHY not is all I can say:?:

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Thursday morning was always my mothers "outside" day, where she would sweep the steps up to the front door and "white cardinal" the edges. Of course she would finish off by sweeping the pavement in front of the house as well. I once got into trouble cos I did it but swept it down the cellar grate.I remember sometimes though she would sweep it off the kerb and onto the road but only when she knew that the road sweeping lorry was coming. Having said that and going back to the OP, I distinctly remember the lorry with the pipe that came round often, like several times a week and cleaned out the drains.

I haven't seen one of those for years and often wonder when theres floods, if they still do that nowadays. If not, WHY not is all I can say:?:


They still have the drain suction machines, but I find these days you have to tell them to do it when its a problem, not sure if there's a schedule anymore to do them routinely. I read somewhere because I alot of people have ripped their front gardens up for block paving a drive for cars this hasn't helped with flooding as the rain runs quickly off now onto the street instead of the garden helping to soak it up.

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When I lived in a terraced house I always cleared the pavement in front of my house and in front of my neighbour's, as she never seemed to see rubbish, weeds and litter. I weeded between the flagstones too. Now I sweep the drive and pick up any litter that blows into our close. As do our neighbours. One of them has taken responsibility for keeping the grass verges mown and we clear the leaves in the autumn. The area looks lovely & it's all due to people taking a pride in where they live. It's not hard to do and makes the difference between living in a lovely road and a potential slum.

Not to keep the outside of your house clean & tidy means you don't care about how you live or what impact your dirt has on others.

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