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Paste mixes - whats yours?


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whats your favourite method/mix for paste fishing? just started using krill powder paste mix and its not bad, gluten based so goes fairly stringy and stays on the hook a little. i know a lot of people just grind up pellets and use their own mix but i cant seem to get on with basic paste its often off the hook before i get in the swim!

have tried the swimstim stuff and thats pretty wet and falls off at the first opportunity as well

i can get the bites pretty well on paste at the mo but still miss a fair few, maybe they are liners rather than proper bites. any tips on good mixes?

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ive never ever had a problem with green swimstim to be honest, i always make sure i add the paste to the water and not vica versa, getting a better consistency paste, i also use a pole pot to ship out the paste and use a float with a long bristle, then shot the float so all the bristle is showing, then plumb up so its just off bottom, so that the weight of the paste dots the float down, then you can determine proper bites aswell and you know when the paste has come off because all the bristle will be out.

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ive only started to use it a bit this year so i cant give any advice, but i know a kid who uses it regulary and he use the one to one stuff but mixes it with diet coke.........i dont know why either


i bought some of the one to one stuff the other week and if you mix it one to one it is still proper sloppy, but i found it difficult to get the right consistency as it stiffens up quite quick.

i suppose your mate mixes it with diet coke for the fizz!!!! added attraction!!!!!

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Just micro halibut pellets & crushed hemp.

Put pellets in a tub cover with water, after the water has soaked into the pellet cover with water again, leave till the water is all soaked up, mix in the crushed hemp & work into a paste, alter consistency with more water.

It's dead easy & cheaper than swim stim or ready made stuff.

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been using this mix for 20 odd years had some fantastic results. 1kilo halibut pellets any size grind them into a powder [i use a coffee grinder] add roughly150grms crushed hemp 2 table spoons of honey [optional] and 3 large eggs add water and mix to a consistency of potted meat use a wire tie to ship the rig out then lower into the swim. Plumbing the depth is essential i use a BB shot 3 inches from the hook the shot must be on the bottom the fish takes the bait lifting the shot off the bottom the floats over loaded the float sinks and yer in.

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some great replies thanks! had mixed up some bought Krill paste (fibre) for tuesday and then never got it out of bag, caught all day on corn, worm, pellets! had 4 fish on the same worm without rebaiting lol

the swim stim i have used in past was the ready mix tub and was a bit wet, couldnt get it to stay on, altho to be fair i wasnt using a tie to hold the bait out of the water.

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I used to fish paste all the time, have tried many different mixes but always went back to using swim stim. the softer the better gave me better results. The secret is getting it out there, the best thing to do is modify some kinder egg cups with slits and large holes. Fix them to the pole about 18" less than the depth you are fishing, and ship out with your paste in the pot and just drop it in. Don't worry if the softer paste doesn't stay on long because your just feeding your swim constantly with the same stuff you've got on the hook. Once they start taking it you'll bag up, the problem most people have is they strike to early, most times they will hook themselves. Rig wise, like already mentioned, fish dead depth and use the weight of the paste for the shotting then you know when your hook has dislodged from the paste. I've experimented with the paste in my garden pond and the fish will suck at the paste, if its soft it will break up as they suck and generally they will suck in the hook and hook themselves, this I found seemed to combat all those sail away bites when they was nothing there with a stiffer paste. To prove this with the stiffer bait I would sometimes leave the sail away bites, sometimes even feeling the pull on the end of the pole, then gently lifting the rig to find the paste still in tact. Just stick at it and you'll get there, but its not the easiest method to fish by far.

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