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Recession over. UK to return to growth. Item Club Ernst & Young.

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The nature of good politics is that you save up money during the boom years so that the bad years can be alleviated .... that has not been happening lately, anywhere in the world. There seems to be have been a collective tunnel vision among world leaders since the late 1990s, that we could abolish the cycle and just have a continuous boom... this happened in the late 1920s and in the early 1970s as well, and they're always wrong. Let's hope the next government or two don't fall into the same trap.


Nice post. Bang on.

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It's amazing how negative some people can be. Looking at some of these responses it's almost as if some posters actually want us to stay in a recession!


It was always going to happen anyway. The nature of a capitalist economy is that it goes in a boom and bust cycle - we'd had the bust years so a boom is bound to be around the corner.


And no doubt if Labour were in government you'd be saying it was the end of the world.

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are we in recession? i earn the same as i did for last ten years with inflation, Most of the people i know income hasnt change much. yes most items has gone up a bit but if you are sensiable with managing you money and you are still in same job then what reccession?

Only the dumb ones who cant keep a job or found new ones suffer last few years

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are we in recession? i earn the same as i did for last ten years with inflation, Most of the people i know income hasnt change much. yes most items has gone up a bit but if you are sensiable with managing you money and you are still in same job then what reccession?

Only the dumb ones who cant keep a job or found new ones suffer last few years


I'm better than you

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are we in recession? i earn the same as i did for last ten years with inflation, Most of the people i know income hasnt change much. yes most items has gone up a bit but if you are sensiable with managing you money and you are still in same job then what reccession?


But at a time when unemployment is decreasing in the country it is still rising here. It says something about how unattractive South Yorkshire is towards inward investment.

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But at a time when unemployment is decreasing in the country it is still rising here. It says something about how unattractive South Yorkshire is towards inward investment.


That has much to do with the fact that South Yorkshire councils are Labour-controlled. Generally it seems that councils who have the same party as the government in power attract more regional grants and investment. It's just a pity that the mugs who keep voting Labour at council elections are too thick to notice.

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That has much to do with the fact that South Yorkshire councils are Labour-controlled.


Quite right. Anyone with half a brain knows that after the start of the global financial crisis in 2007 the collapse of Lehman Brothers and bailing out of Bear Stearns, Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley was because at the time Wall Street had a Labour council led by George W Bush.

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