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HSBC, drug money laundering

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the only thing that you control is what your going to have for dinner today, are you in control of where your taxes are going ? are you in control of what the banks do with your money ? have you got a choice other than to pay what they want you to pay ? no, no you haven't if you refuse you get a criminal record and or massive debts.


if you get a job and its cash in hand your going to get locked up because the greedy toffs aint getting nothing from what you have earned.


Do you have a choice where your money goes when your buy your bottle of pop, or a pair of trainers? What's the difference with the banks, they are a commercial enterprises providing a service.


Also the people who suffer the most from cash in hand workers are usually the poorest and/or the most vulnerable in society, the people who are dependant on the government's help and services; help and services that that are funded by tax payers.

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Do you have a choice where your money goes when your buy your bottle of pop, or a pair of trainers? What's the difference with the banks, they are a commercial enterprises providing a service.



i haven't heard anything about sainsburys funding drug dealers and terrorists have you ?


Also the people who suffer the most from cash in hand workers are usually the poorest and/or the most vulnerable in society, the people who are dependant on the government's help and services; help and services that that are funded by tax payers.


ok, i dont understand what that has to do with what i said though ?

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i haven't heard anything about sainsburys funding drug dealers and terrorists have you ?


What was this got to do with your rant abut lack of personal freedom? If you don't like how HSBC do their business, take your business else where. This isn't a hard concept to grasp.


ok, i dont understand what that has to do with what i said though ?


You stated that the you'll go to prison for not paying taxes because "the greedy toffs aint getting nothing from what you have earned."


Surely it's not beyond your comprehension to see the link between paying taxes and services and help funded by the taxes?

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What was this got to do with your rant abut lack of personal freedom? If you don't like how HSBC does their business, take your business else where. This isn't a hard concept to grasp.


i wasn't ranting about personal freedom, i think you have misunderstood my posts.



You stated that the you'll go to prison for not paying taxes because "the greedy toffs aint getting nothing from what you have earned."


Surely it's not beyond your comprehension to see the link between paying taxes and services and help funded by the taxes?


i was just pointing out how your not free to do whatever, if you work cash in hand and dont tell them you are, you get into trouble for tax evasion, nowhere did i mention who might be hit hardest by that or anything to do with that side of it.

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i wasn't ranting about personal freedom, i think you have misunderstood my posts.


Sorry I thought that you was commenting upon the lack of personal freedom we have over our lives?



i was just pointing out how your not free to do whatever, if you work cash in hand and dont tell them you are, you get into trouble for tax evasion, nowhere did i mention who might be hit hardest by that or anything to do with that side of it.


Again I'm sorry but you did state that this was because "the greedy toffs aint getting nothing from what you have earned." When the truth is that society as a whole benefits from people not working cash in hand, and the poorest and the most vulnerable benefit the most.


You have to accept that this is a good thing?

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Will Lord Green ex HSBC CEO during the laundering years, now banking advisor to Osborne, quit?


No, and I dont think he should, he has been let down by employees. He should ensure they are sacked. This fashion for sacking the top man is becoming stupid. If he/she is bent or incompetent get rid of him, but if the offence is lower own the food chain get rid of those responsible.

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Sorry I thought that you was commenting upon the lack of personal freedom we have over our lives?



i did say that, but not quite my meaning :)




Again I'm sorry but you did state that this was because "the greedy toffs aint getting nothing from what you have earned." When the truth is that society as a whole benefits from people not working cash in hand, and the poorest and the most vulnerable benefit the most.


You have to accept that this is a good thing?


of course yes i wasn't disputing that fact, it is better if we all pay in, i wasn't say it was right or wrong just stating the course of action if a person did do that.

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What stupid comments.


They don't run your lives, you do.


If you ain't got the sense to be able to run your own lives then quite frankly your a waste of time.


Really? Banks run our countries finances. So when they are up sheet street, guess who bails them? Do we get asked? What rewards do we get for it? Are you an ex banker who outta job now and is being paid to print your baloney? I cant think of any other reason for your stupid remarks.





Your posting crap.


The government/banks are providing nothing of the sort.


Are you saying that YOU have NO control over your life?


Our government bail our banks. The taxpayers pay for the bail. Thats the control we have.


Yet another non-story, and little surprise that it's the Guardian that's the source - a vile rag that hates anyone involved in finance.


If you think this stiory is shocking, you're incredibly naive. The nature of global banking is that sometimes you have to invest in organisations that some people may find morally unacceptable.


Personally I'm quite happy to turn a blind eye. If a bank has to invest in terrorists and drug dealers then so be it - so long as it means I get a higher rate of interest on my savings I'm all for it.



Im sure your views would be entirely different if your family were blown up in a shopping centre next weekend. :|


Heres some Telegraph viewpoints for you....




And an FT




And a Daily Mail.



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I am with HSBC at the moment, was considering changing to Barclays, a choice between fraudsters and money laundererers.


I moved our business and personal accounts to Co-op and saved quite a bit of money on charges....which i wasnt genuinely expecting.

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