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How long for a broken tail bone to heal?

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I broke mine by slipping down the stairs and it took about a year to get better, with some residual tenderness for a couple of years. Since then it hasn't bothered me. Good luck with it.

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I broke mine by slipping down the stairs and it took about a year to get better, with some residual tenderness for a couple of years. Since then it hasn't bothered me. Good luck with it.


Yeah ... I'm the same. Fell down a flight of stairs after tripping on my toga (fancy dress party). Took about six months to get completely better ... didn't half hurt at the time! :)

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I'm an active person too and never ever thought of a breakage to the tailbone, how did you do it? There is no real fat or muscle there so I wanna take care of mine!


Iwas roller blading with a mate of mine who plays for Sheffield Steelheads, i attempted to spin round and skate backwards but i was too slow and my skate clipped the other one, i landed straight on it :(



I have a weekend Airsoft/skirmishing battle to attend next week and was kinda hoping it would be healed but judging by the comments here i'm gonna be out of action for some time :(

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which bit 'broke'?


Did you disconnect the spine in your coccyx? Has the diagnosis of a 'break' been confirmed?


If so, why are you asking us? - Why are you not talking to your doctor?


Did you break the bone, or did you (more usual) dislocate it?


How quickly you heal depends (I assume) on:


How much damage you did

How young you are when you do it (I was still in my 30's - just ;))

The level of pain you can tolerate (varies from person to person - you don't get to choose that!)


You do, however, have my sympathy. I fell off x-country skis and hit a rock in Dec 88. It's a 'real pain in the arse' . :(

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which bit 'broke'?


Did you disconnect the spine in your coccyx? Has the diagnosis of a 'break' been confirmed?


If so, why are you asking us? - Why are you not talking to your doctor?


Did you break the bone, or did you (more usual) dislocate it?


How quickly you heal depends (I assume) on:


How much damage you did

How young you are when you do it (I was still in my 30's - just ;))

The level of pain you can tolerate (varies from person to person - you don't get to choose that!)


You do, however, have my sympathy. I fell off x-country skis and hit a rock in Dec 88. It's a 'real pain in the arse' . :(


I did both!


It has broken and dislocated...


I have no idea where or how it has broken but my doctor felt it and said it was both.


I am 35 and usually have a high pain threshold, the doctor could not give me a time of healing :(

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I did both!


It has broken and dislocated...


I have no idea where or how it has broken but my doctor felt it and said it was both.


I am 35 and usually have a high pain threshold, the doctor could not give me a time of healing :(


Cripes. I bet that examination was eye watering! No x-ray to confirm?

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If you've dislocated part and it hasn't been manipulated back into place then that's something that I think you ought to see an osteopath or physio about. The manipulation to realign everything is not very pleasant, but should at least give you a bit of relief once it's done.

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If you've dislocated part and it hasn't been manipulated back into place then that's something that I think you ought to see an osteopath or physio about. The manipulation to realign everything is not very pleasant, but should at least give you a bit of relief once it's done.


They have said that if i am still in pain in 2 YEAR!!!!! then go back and see em :(

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When i went to A and E they said they do not x ray them :( and to see my doctor, my doctor had a poke about :o and i inadvertently nearly kicked his head off :hihi:


I'm pretty sure mine was x-rayed to confirm. But it was so long ago I can't remember clearly.


I know it sounds coarse, but I seem to remember that the only relief I used to get was when I was sat on the bog! No pressure on the bone!

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