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Where's your comfort zone?


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Although Sheffield is in Yorkshire does anyone-or did anyone- feel more at home in Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire, or even Lincolnshire. Speaking for myself,when I lived in Sheffield, I never went to Leeds, Bradford or anywhere further North than Barnsley by choice at least. I mean they don't speak like us do they? I could never get the hang of the Hull accent; fern for phone, stern for stone, etc,etc. And Leeds, well, couldn't handle the place at all. It's all levelled out now with T.V and motorways and stuff so I suppose these places are more acceptable for a night out, but way back Nottingham was the place to go. And Lincolnshire for a fishing weekend. And for a real good blast on the beer, Derby.

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my comfort zones sheff, woodhouse mostly, cos i know it best, BUT as you mentioned other places, i did travel a lot in my punk days to gigs, places like bradford, brum, leeds, hull, donny, hitching to some even

but strangely never barnsley or nottingham lol

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I like it just where I am - North Lincs. Like Texas, Lincolnshire for me used to be for fishing days out, and before that the Dial House children's trip to Cleethorpes or Skeggy, but now it's Home Sweet Home. After a delicious home-made pizza (Mrs hillsbro is an excellent cook) we've just spent a restful hour on the sunlit patio, sipping bitter lemons and watching goldfinches feeding their youngsters.


Yep - Ashby will do me fine!.:)

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Sheffield was my home for 35 years. I lived in Belfast,and currently in Glasgow..2 cities i was told to avoid. I can't see me ever going back to live in Sheff,but maybe somewhere not too far (York,or east coast) I don't know what my comfort zone is?? I do know one thing for sure.My feet are getting itchy once again.I wish i could find 'THE PLACE' and settle.I'm 43 and not getting any younger..

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Sheffield was my home for 35 years. I lived in Belfast,and currently in Glasgow..2 cities i was told to avoid. I can't see me ever going back to live in Sheff,but maybe somewhere not too far (York,or east coast) I don't know what my comfort zone is?? I do know one thing for sure.My feet are getting itchy once again.I wish i could find 'THE PLACE' and settle.I'm 43 and not getting any younger..

Of course in my original post I was relating to the past, but your post reminds me of me in the 60's 70's. I couldn't settle anywhere for quite a while; Newcastle, Carlisle, Southampton, Tunbridge Wells, Gloucester, Germany, Brighton, eventually I realised I was happiest in Southampton and being near the sea. I don't think I could live far from the sea now and I've no idea why, never been in the navy or had anything to do with boats or shipping, but there it is.

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Strange as it may seem, Norway was my comfort zone,went to live there when I was 17, going up the fjiord on the ship I suddenly felt a great sense of belonging and coming to my true home, I was so happy ther and in the fisrt 3mths, became fluent enough to knit from patterns in Norwegian,shop,rent a house etc, after 6mths, the Norse friend I made had almost forgotten I was English. Now Hull is my zone, must be near the sea

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the secret is to mix right in. never let anyone think you're not at home,Ive mixed with the very rich and the very poor and treat them both the same.so i.m comfortable where i go or whom i'm with

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I've lived all around the country and overseas, although I've spent most of my life around Sheffield.


I have mixed feelings about Sheffield tbh. I think it's a poor city in many ways when compared to other similar sized cities - but I absolutely love the proximity to beautiful countryside and I think it's a great city for young people as it's very geared up for students. I also think it's a top city for real ale lovers too - and the tramlines music festival is fab - really, really good.


I like the dry humour and down to earth nature of many Sheffield folk - but I don't like the way they always want the "cheapest" of everything or the way they think people are "posh" or a "snob" if they aspire to have nice things in life or don't speak with a really broad Sheffield accent.


Sometimes I despair because I don't think Sheffield will ever be a leading city because most folk here just don't value the better things in life. That's why there's no Harvey Nicks or Selfridges or some of the other big name stores that are common in other cities. Be a compllete waste of time them coming here as the "ar much iz it?" brigade would never cross their threshold.


I don't think "comfort zone" is the right description tbh - I think the question is more about where one feels at home. And to me, home can be anywhere - but ultimately it's where my family and loved ones are - and that's Sheffield area right now. Could be somewhere completely different at some stage in the future i suppose.


I'm comfortable anywhere in the world (except war zones) so long as I have my loved ones around me and they are happy too.

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