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Homicide rates down to 30 year low

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I don't want to highjack this thread, however, I will just state that public awareness of the attrition rate deters women from reporting rape more than before. So it is not as simple as stating increase in the accessibility of porn = decrease in rape. It is a facile argument in my view.


The attrition rate is no doubt down to lack of evidence and the possibility of a conviction, we simply can't be locking people up just because they are accused of a crime, they are innocent until proven guilty. The attrition rate for rape is no worse than for other crimes.


Myths about rape conviction rates are putting people off going to the police


The conviction rate for rape is 58%


Only about 15% of reports of general criminal cases result in someone being charged, let alone convicted.


About 13% of reported rapes result in a conviction,

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The attrition rate is no doubt down to lack of evidence and the possibility of a conviction, we simply can't be locking people up just because they are accused of a crime, they are innocent until proven guilty. The attrition rate for rape is no worse than for other crimes.


Myths about rape conviction rates are putting people off going to the police


The conviction rate for rape is 58%


Only about 15% of reports of general criminal cases result in someone being charged, let alone convicted.


About 13% of reported rapes result in a conviction,


How much of the 15% will be burglaries, muggings, murders and assaults where the victims do not know the perpetrators, so it is as much an issue of identifying the culprits? What percentage of the 13% is the (alleged) attacker's identity is known? We have already established that 80% > of women who are raped know the man.

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How much of the 15% will be burglaries, muggings, murders and assaults where the victims do not know the perpetrators, so it is as much an issue of identifying the culprits? What percentage of the 13% is the (alleged) attacker's identity is known? We have already established that 80% > of women who are raped know the man.


Knowing the burglar isn’t enough to secure a conviction, there has to be evidence, we don’t convict on the ward of someone, we convict using evidence and people have to be found guilty beyond reasonable doubt, there is little point in wasting the courts time on allegations that aren’t substantiated by evidence.

Clearly the courts are prepared to hear rape cases, the police are prepared to investigate rape, and the conviction rate is high, so there is no conspiracy to keep rape out of the courts.

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A claim which you have faith in. :loopy:


I wouldn't say I have complete trust in the evidence but I trust it more than a loony, maybe you could post a link that proves porn increases rape and I will gladly take a look. I may even change my opinion.

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I wouldn't say I have complete trust in the evidence but I trust it more than a loony, maybe you could post a link that proves porn increases rape and I will gladly take a look. I may even change my opinion.


You ask me to provide proof of the opposite of something you haven't proved, other than some half arsed link.


If a rapist goes to the toilet is that proof that he isn't a rapist? All it proves is that he isn't raping when on the bog.

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You ask me to provide proof of the opposite of something you haven't proved, other than some half arsed link.


If a rapist goes to the toilet is that proof that he isn't a rapist? All it proves is that he isn't raping when on the bog.


I haven’t attempted to prove that porn prevents rape, I have simply presented some of the evidence that leads me to the opinion that it helps to cut rape crime.


When two people have apposing opinions and each would like the other to change their opinion, the best way forward is for each to present the reason why they have the opinion that they have, possibley even present some evidence that would lead them to that opinion, I don’t think many people would change their opinion based on the other just acting like a loony.


I have an opinion based on the evidence I have seen, you apparently disagree with my opinion and for some strange reason think I might change it just because you act like a loony. To change my opinion I would need to see some different evidence which you haven’t presented, It makes no difference to me whether you present the evidence or not, but it would help to further the discussion.

I suspect though that you don’t want to discuss it and would rather just act like a loony.

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