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Why is it, when I cook it's enough to feed the 5000? Is it a man thing?

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Are there not some neighbourhood cats you can put it out for?


I've got a dog, but I don't fancy scooping after she's demolished a bowl of my curry.


And there aren't any cats, cos I've got a dog around! :hihi:

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I always make more than I need and put any leftovers in the freezer for lunches through the week.


Ah... but presumably, that's by design? I could claim that too, but no, it's just that I cook too much! Eyes bigger than my belly perhaps (although that's stretching a point for me)?

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No it's deffo not just a man thing cause whenever I cook there's never enough:(


Someone ought to have a word with those birds eye ready meal people, those roast beef platters are fine but I need about 4.:mad:


That's a ready made thing. They deliberately make it bird size proportions, just so that you've have another, and another, and another!!! :hihi:

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No it's deffo not just a man thing cause whenever I cook there's never enough:(


Someone ought to have a word with those birds eye ready meal people, those roast beef platters are fine but I need about 4.:mad:


Heating up a ready meal is not cooking.

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Whenever I seem to cook, I seem to make enough food, perhaps not enough to feed the 5000, but I certainly overdo it.


I made a delicious curry last night. It was perfection (for me), but now there's enough left for me to have for both lunch and evening dinner, probably for the next 3 days! (not that I'm going to, so some of it will end up being bin fodder I expect!)


Is it me who's just a blithering idiot or is it a 'man thing'.


(no it won't fit in my freezer ;))


Walk us through how you made this curry, presumably you started with a portion of meat, some veg, etc... At a guess each of these portions was too large...


Sometimes I cook a lot, but that might be because I'd rather use the whole pack of mince than try to split it, but it shouldn't really come as a surprise when it's cooked that there is a lot of food.

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