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Shootings reported at Batman premiere

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Police have now lowered the number of dead to 12.


24 year old James Holmes handed himself in to police and is fully co-operating with them.


I'll bet he is...doesn't have much choice! Another Anders Behring Breivik no doubt on a crusade to rid America of law abiding citizens!

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Only Americans would think that a sensible way of reducing gun incidents is to increase the number of guns around and to make it easier to get a gun.


I'll never forget the parent at the last big school shooting saying to the press "well ee wouldn't ave been able to shoot so many if the other kids had guns too and cud defend emselves". Yee-haw, guns for 6 year olds, only in the land of the free.


Stupid post :loopy:

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Stupid post :loopy:


They're right though. After the shooting in Arizona that killed people visiting Gabrielle Giffords, and almost killed her, the public were questioned after and 55% said that having more guns would have made them safer.

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I have read all posts; & I cannot fathom how people can discuss the certificate the film has, its terrible so many are dead, not only a poor innocent child. Kids love Batman, & just because some idiot with a gun, does this lives are wrecked for ever.


Sorry but if I was the police I would have shot him on sight, vermin like him don't deserve to breathe air, like has been said perhaps they will tighten guns laws--don't hold your breath.

Erm, because its a forum for discussions ?


and the rating of the film is significant if your trying to make some sense of how a 6 year old could be a victim.


Hope this helps, as there could even be a discussion about Batman a little later on or maybe references to other gun massacres in the US

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