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Spain anti-austerity protests end in unrest

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The deficit has been reduced by 25% already despite the worsening stuation in Europe.


Cameron Clegg and Osborne are going to sort out this Labour mess.


When? Some time soon would be good, in fact, even getting us out of their own double dip doo doo would be a welcome start.

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I haven't counted them so i don't really know .What i'm saying is don't believe everything you read in the papers, they have a habit of being wrong

particularly when it comes down to unemployment numbers.In fact where do they get the information from .

i dont believe all i read in the papers i can just look around me and see people losing their jobs. how many mps jobs have we seen lost yet ?
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i dont believe all i read in the papers i can just look around me and see people losing their jobs. how many mps jobs have we seen lost yet ?


Come on!!!. Were not talking about the Great Depression 1930s are we,it's only that bad if we want it to be. But it's not.

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I always like to have a gawp at the comments on these links. I agree with Gordon from Macclesfield. "It won't change anything. All the decisions are taken in Brussels anyway by the unelected faceless elite, so just keep paying up.


- Gordon, macclesfield UK, 13/9/2011 13:29".

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If you mean G4S being awarded the contract for Olympic security, you're wrong, it was the conservatives, check the thread on the matter.


Taking from peoples pensions IS stealing. It IS taking what is theirs.


And by the way, if you mistakenly presume I think Labour are much better, re-read my post, I said it was Labour who broke the promise to pensioners.


i had read that it was labour that had signed the contract, if im wrong on that, i apologise.


regarding the pensions, thats a tough one, obviously if there is a shortfall, then either enough WASNT paid in or the money has been squanderedby generation after generation of goverments, i would bet on the 2nd one myself. no one likes these decisions at all, (i know some on here see the tories as evil, but does anyone think they want to cut things like this ? really ?), however why shouldnt pensioners pay too like us all ?, a damn lot of them have things the last few generations can only a dream of, several holidays a year, there own home, a new car every 5 years , retiring at 60 whilst in 30 years time the next few generations will be dying on the shop floor (obviously not all pensioners have this lot, but many do)


but yet again its not stealing, yes a promise may have been broken but thats not stealing .


i respect my elders, but sometimes they demand more than they deserve

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care to tell us why ?:hihi::hihi:


The left seem to feel they are the only ones with a right to protest.


I believe it is time for thos of us who do not subscribe to revolutionery activity, socialist bleating, trade union gangsterism to stand up to them. If necessary by taking to the streets to oppose.

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The deficit has been reduced by 25% already despite the worsening stuation in Europe.


Cameron Clegg and Osborne are going to sort out this Labour mess.


Its the banks mess. We are being fleeced in so many ways to bail out the incompetent and reckless behaviour of massively paid bankers.

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The left seem to feel they are the only ones with a right to protest.


I believe it is time for thos of us who do not subscribe to revolutionery activity, socialist bleating, trade union gangsterism to stand up to them. If necessary by taking to the streets to oppose.

i agree with this, but it just wont happen here thats the point of my thread
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