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Government says problem families 'have too many children'

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Bringing one child into a life of certain hardship is irresponsible in my opinion. Bringing another, then another, then another is plain stupidity.


There's a couple near us, neither of them work, he robs to feed both their cannabis habits and she's carrying the fourth now the third as started first school. The state benefit system doesn't really give these mothers much of an option does it? Declare yourself available for work once your youngest child is in school or have another kid and claim further child support.

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i think the "poor" have kids to supplement there weekly income


My thoughts are wide and varied each family is different..


There is no poverty in the uk, any body that says there is has never seen it


In 1) the poor exist and they have kids for the money. In 2) it's a lot wider than that and in 3) the poor suddenly cease to exist.


There is definitely poverty in the UK, both absolute and relative. Just because you refuse to accept its existence doesn't mean its not there. People sleeping in shop doorways are poor. Some people in jobs are poor, often having to choose between heatign and eating. Being a closed-minded bigot doesn't make you an expert on poverty. It just makes you a close-minded bigot.

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Government says problem families 'have too many children'


More victimisation and no doubt government social engineering.


And it's not the government who said that. It's a government adviser who also advised the last Labour government. Please take note, Mecky.

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In 1) the poor exist and they have kids for the money. In 2) it's a lot wider than that and in 3) the poor suddenly cease to exist.


There is definitely poverty in the UK, both absolute and relative. Just because you refuse to accept its existence doesn't mean its not there. People sleeping in shop doorways are poor. Some people in jobs are poor, often having to choose between heatign and eating. Being a closed-minded bigot doesn't make you an expert on poverty. It just makes you a close-minded bigot.


bigot [ˈbɪgət]


a person who is intolerant of any ideas other than his or her own, esp on religion, politics, or race



i dont think so, i will listen to any side to any thing, i got paid for doing that for a good few years, thats the trouble with forming an opinion of some body you know nothing about

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There is definitely poverty in the UK, both absolute and relative.


Relative poverty is a meaningless term, so let's ignore that.


Find me the man in England who is lucky if he can eat a meal once a week, then we'll start talking about absolute poverty. My guess is that you won't find one; whereas if you go to Ethiopia there's a good few million of them.

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Relative poverty is a meaningless term, so let's ignore that.


Find me the man in England who is lucky if he can eat a meal once a week, then we'll start talking about absolute poverty. My guess is that you won't find one; whereas if you go to Ethiopia there's a good few million of them.

By poverty, I think they're referring to anything below the acceptable standard of quality of living in the UK. What's happening in Ethiopia is cause for concern but it needn't concern us right now HN.
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Oh god! Of all the places to bring up the subject of large families SF is not the place. People here think if you even have one child you're a blight on society and simply MUST be draining the country on benefits and god knows what else.


People are VERY anti-family here. Personally I do think she's right to some extent but you're not likely to get a varied opinion on this issue here. I'm actually beginning to think it's a prerequisite on here that you are scornful of people with growing families and so tar them with the same brush and assume the worst. I am about to have my third and final child as my family is complete but often this place makes me feel i should be ashamed because I'm a mother. Attitudes here are disgusting so some people will no doubt have an absolute field day with this.

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Oh god! Of all the places to bring up the subject of large families SF is not the place. People here think if you even have one child you're a blight on society and simply MUST be draining the country on benefits and god knows what else.


People are VERY anti-family here. Personally I do think she's right to some extent but you're not likely to get a varied opinion on this issue here. I'm actually beginning to think it's a prerequisite on here that you are scornful of people with growing families and so tar them with the same brush and assume the worst. I am about to have my third and final child as my family is complete but often this place makes me feel i should be ashamed because I'm a mother. Attitudes here are disgusting so some people will no doubt have an absolute field day with this.


Do you rely on state handouts or do you and your partner/husband support your family with an earned income? If it's the latter, why are you spouting off?

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Do you rely on state handouts or do you and your partner/husband support your family with an earned income? If it's the latter, why are you spouting off?


you've completely misunderstood everything I was 'spouting off' about. The fact is is that whether you do rely on state handouts or not you are still demonized for simply being a parent on this forum. I have never known anywhere like it. People seem to have major issues with parents (mothers especially), the elderly and the disabled here.


My husband and I both work and we receive CTC too, which is completely irrelevent to my point btw.

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you've completely misunderstood everything I was 'spouting off' about. The fact is is that whether you do rely on state handouts or not you are still demonized for simply being a parent on this forum. I have never known anywhere like it. People seem to have major issues with parents (mothers especially), the elderly and the disabled here.


My husband and I both work and we receive CTC too, which is completely irrelevent to my point btw.

Could you elaborate because I don't understand why anyone would "demonize" parents for having kids once they know they're supporting themselves and their kids with their own hard earned cash.
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