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I dare you to retire and give your job to a young person

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Well they would need his hand outs (as you put it) because they do work but he wishes to give them a comfortable future not just A future.


Say and think what you like but I will work till I am 100 if I need to do that to ensure my family has a nice comfortable life.


If he stopped working perhaps one of his loved ones (or some one else's loved ones would not need his handouts because they would be the one working.



I actually heard the other day on the bus an old lady saying she couldn't give up her cleaning job because she was helping her granddaugher out who hadn't got a job and what s a shame it was that there was nothing for the young uns' - the irony!

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shut it young people at this moment in time have no chance of employment


Boo hoo. Waaaa I want a job handed to me on a plate. Waaaa I want a job without putting any effort into a looking. Waaaaa oh woe is me nobody is willing to employ me.




Oooh look.... just a small selection of the potential jobs







Get of your arse and look for one. Potential employers want to see effort and drive not some whinging naggy moaning prat.


In the past few months my employer has recruited 10 new min wage trainees in both admin and legal. 2 of them are left. Some of the most ludicrous of the excuses from the walk outs and crybabies were "my mum cant bring me/pick me up any more..." "I dont like the 6.00 finish... Its not fair for someone my age" and the most hillarious "..I dont like speaking to people on the phone - i feel stupid".


if you WANT to work. You will find a job.

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If he stopped working perhaps one of his loved ones (or some one else's loved ones would not need his handouts because they would be the one working.



I actually heard the other day on the bus an old lady saying she couldn't give up her cleaning job because she was helping her granddaugher out who hadn't got a job and what s a shame it was that there was nothing for the young uns' - the irony!


Do you think the young 'un will do the cleaning job ? I'll go out on a limb and say not.

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Speaking from a young persons point of view (24) you are talking absolute rubbish.


I know a chap who is at the top end of 70 and hasn't retired yet because 1) he can't afford to and 2) he wishes to provide a comfortable future for his loved ones. Why should he quit and suffer just so someone else can take his job I mean come on with all due respect that's just stupid.


There is jobs around if people want them the problem is these days people want a big choice and don't realise that isn't an option within the current economical climate.


I have done all sorts of crap, tedious, rubbish, boring jobs but I had to do them I didn't get the option to say NO because I need the money as I have living costs to pay for.


To me you should retire when you can afford it and when you are ready for it not because some shrivelled up old hag says you should.


If people want a job there is jobs out there people just need to realise the climate doesn't allow for you to be picky.


Well said Location114. :) With that attitude you should do well. :)

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I see it this way, If I stop doing the taxi driving, I need money to survive.

I'd take any job, how the hell am I supposed to pay for my rent, council tax etc.

We might be better off on benefits, BUT:


We're off to Salou next week for two weeks all inclusive :)

'WHY', cos me and the missus get off our backsides and did/do whatever job is going. 'WE' deserve a break, 'WE' earned it.


I feel sorry for the young uns of today, but there are jobs if they want them.

I'll work till I'm 60/70/80 who knows ?

I'm earning it. I'm spending it.

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If he stopped working perhaps one of his loved ones (or some one else's loved ones would not need his handouts because they would be the one working.



I actually heard the other day on the bus an old lady saying she couldn't give up her cleaning job because she was helping her granddaugher out who hadn't got a job and what s a shame it was that there was nothing for the young uns' - the irony!



The irony is the job centre is full of cleaning jobs.:)

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