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Funding for a new parkrun in S6

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I am in the process of starting a Parkrun in hillsborough park. In case you dont know what Parkrun is here is a quick breakdown of what its about. Parkrun is a weekly timed & free 5k run, jog or walk. the events are non profit, run & organized by volunteers. Currently there are events ran allover the country plus events in Australia, poland & the US. there is 3 already up and, pardon the pun, running in Sheffield hallam, concorde, graves park & one in Barnsley locke park. more details here* http://www.parkrun.org.uk/home. these are beneficial to the local communities by boosting the economy & getting people fit.


What i could do with help is funding. It costs around £6000 to start a new Parkrun event.* Parkrun themselves pay half of this but the other half comes from funding by companies and local community charities. i was wondering if you had any opinion who i could contact in the hillsborough area with help with funding. I am based in Stocksbridge & a club runner for Hallamshire Harriers Sheffield who are based in Hillsborough Park and they may be willing to help but cant provide the full amount. I was wondering if you had any idea of contacts for SWFC or SIV Hillsborough leisure centre or similar ideas of potential for funding.



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I would be interested in this too. I mainly run at Endcliffe Parkrun, and have done Graves in the past, not sure I enjoyed it there though :) due to the hills "ouch" I will be doing Concord Parkrun in the coming months, but Hillsborough park maybe a nice flat one :)

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  • 4 months later...



I have seen the event created on facebook. Is the Hillsborough Park parkrun definitely happening on Feb 2nd? Would definitely like to take part if so.


Ive not seen any other adverts for it and can't see it on parkrun's website though.



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Yes definitely starting on Feb 2nd . Hillsborugh parkrun page won't go on the website till a week before. Parkrun like events to build slowly and grow. because of this there will be minimal advertising. you will see a few posters around Hillsborough, more traffic on Facebook and it will be mentioned on the parkrun show podcast.


Saying that I expect 150-200 to turn up at least which isn't exactly starting small.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great work running owl. :thumbsup:


Where did you get the funding in the end?

I understand set up costs of kit and the scanners/equipment etc but didn't expect it to be near £6k to set up a Parkrun..


I have friends and family in Lincolnshire (where there isn't many) who I tell my Parkrun stories to, your info would be great to pass on to inspire others to create more Parkruns.


Looking forward to Hillsborough Parkrun.



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