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Tony Blair says lay off the bankers

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Tony Blair is worth every penny, he got the country back in work after Thatchers mob made a pigs ear, like this lot now, get em out!:rant:


Looking back on it anyone could have won the 1997 Election, as long as they were labour, the Tories were as about as popular as a bad smell in a small room - with no windows.

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Tony Blair is worth every penny, he got the country back in work after Thatchers mob made a pigs ear, like this lot now, get em out!:rant:


:partyhat: :partyhat: Winner of the "Most Stupidest Comment" Award 2012 :partyhat: :partyhat:

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Tony Blair's comments on the matter are not even worth acknowledging. This is a man who is paid a huge fortune by JP Morgan and who only last year managed to avoid paying all but about £700,000 tax on the approximately £15m that he and his associated companies earned.


However, I will give him his due and concede that he was very wise to quit Downing Street when he did. He could probably see the storm coming and decided it was best to bale out and leave Gordon the Clown to take all the flak for the financial catastrophe that was around the corner, which he did.

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I wonder in years to come when he's close to snuffing it, whether Sheffielders will relish the thought of having parties and dancing on his grave?


Doubt it. I think most people will still be too knackered after doing the Macarena and partying hard on Thatcher's and Tebbit's graves.

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Labour are for whoever will vote them in, after their union chums ruined manufacturing industry Tony turned to the city and to the services industries and wooed them with his Prawn cocktail offensive. John Smith started this but died whilst trying to show how manly and fit he was by walking up a mountain whilst having a heart defect.


Conservatives are by nature more honest and moral. They do represent the rich but also realise that a great deal of their natural support comes from the small business owner and the hard working middle class, bank workers for instance.


Tony and Gordon took us into Iraq, Dave and George got us out. Tony and Gordon gave an open ended commitment to Afghanistan Dave and George are getting the lads out by 2014. Tony and Gordon ruined the economy, Dave and George have already paid back 25% of the deficit.


The truth is clear. Socialism doesnt work. Capitalism does. Vote Tory.


PS Its great to be back. Thank you Private Hospital.

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