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Is the minimum wage worth working for anymore?

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The power isn't with the consumer, as we've said, it doesn't matter where people shop, it doesn't matter how much profit they make, staff don't get a cut.


It should be based on like what John Lewis do, the employees get a cut of the profits.


This won't happen because the people running the country are millionaires and they want to stay millionaires.

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Bankers aren't being paid obscene amounts of money because they were once in short supply, they're being paid obscene amounts of money because they're holding the UK government to ransom.


What other profession can you name that demand hefty annual bonuses despite having routinely under performed? What type of managing director would even consider rewarding an employee/contractor whose poor performance, deceitfulness and corruptness had almost bankrupted the company? What type of managing director would then use the remaining stock interests of the shareholders(while blatantly ignoring the objections of the shareholders)to subsidize further investment ventures proposed by this employee/contractor and of course to pay-roll the hefty annual bonus they're demanding?


What other managing director would then notify the shareholders that they'll have to dig a little deeper as the employees/contractors latest venture didn't quite turn out as they'd predicted due to yet another catalogue of errors plagued by deceitfulness, and corruptness?


Bankers decide their own pay. Actually, they each decide each other's pay, and it's a case of 'you scratch my back...'


Does anybody know if that guy whose pay was turned down by his shareholders (was it George Sorrell?) went ahead and ignored them, or took a pay cut at their behest?

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No, min wage doesnt work.

The rowntree foundation is right, id argue even more than that about 10 an hour is better as a basic wage.


When your 50 grand in debt to the govt due to uni fees, out of principle you should reject exchanging time for min wage. Infact everyone should, but there will always be some mugs willing to be exploited.


I'm not interested in businesses which cant afford to pay proper wages, they can either fold or suck it up for me. Profits are unpaid wages.

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Doesnt really allow for good times and bad times though does it. Seasonal businesses will suffer as well. If you double minimum wage (and push up other wages significantly as well) you'll find alot of small businesses will fold, simply because they aren't earning minimum wages themselves. Why does everyone assume the minute you try and run your own firm you turn into some victorian workhouse owner thrashing his employees and earning stacks ?

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Bankers decide their own pay. Actually, they each decide each other's pay, and it's a case of 'you scratch my back...'


In other words, the government is allowing bankers to dictate their own worth? I don't know of any other profession that the government allow to do this. Do you?
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In other words, the government is allowing bankers to dictate their own worth? I don't know of any other profession that the government allow to do this. Do you?


The public decide their worth; if the public don't use the banks then they wouldn't get the pay they get. Much like my worth, the public decide if they are willing to use the service I provide at the cost I dictate.

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In other words, the government is allowing bankers to dictate their own worth? I don't know of any other profession that the government allow to do this. Do you?


The bankers' bosses decide their minions' pay and they decide each others' pay.


There is one 'profession' which is far more corrupt.


MP's decide their pay, their pensions, their allowances, their 'resettlement' allowances and the hours they will work. (Both of them.)

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I can refuse to use the service of a private company (banks) and there is no compulsion for me to pay them anything.


Whereas the law requires me to contribute to services I don’t need or want, I have no say in paying this money or how it is spent, governments and councils just demand it under threats of arrest and prison. They make bankers look like angles.

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Minimum Wage is far too generous, should be about £3.50 non taxable. Do away with job seekers allowance, repatriate all immigrants who cannot sustain themselves or who are working for minimum wage. open soup kitchens.


Unemployment would be done away with overnight.

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The bankers' bosses decide their minions' pay and they decide each others' pay.


There is one 'profession' which is far more corrupt.


MP's decide their pay, their pensions, their allowances, their 'resettlement' allowances and the hours they will work. (Both of them.)


Do somethng about it, stand for parliament. Once you are elected start your campaign.

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