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Is the minimum wage worth working for anymore?

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Loads doing it. Then you have to market it which costs money, even if you only do it online.


You'll be lucky to make minimum wage doing it, which is what this thread is about.


Sorry, to be pessimistic but I know someone who did it and it folded in less than six months, with loads of debt. He didn't even make his rent money.


But I genuinely wish you the best of luck if you decide to try it.

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They work damned hard. But that's not enough any more.


Setting up a business costs money, and money is in very short supply at the moment, banks aren't lending. Plus just about everything, even the simplist job, needs a licence these days which also has to be paid for.


Even established businesses are going under,


A lot of immigrants have very strong family ties and help each other out. And they have their own banks in some cases to get round their religious laws. I've no idea whether they are still lending, but I would imagine a new immigrant would find it hard to set up a successful business from scratch right now.


What jobs need a licence for them then? Bearing in mind you said "just about everything" which manfestly isn't the case.

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Engine optimisation?


Loads doing it. Then you have to market it which costs money, even if you only do it online.


You'll be lucky to make minimum wage doing it, which is what this thread is about.


Sorry, to be pessimistic but I know someone who did it and it folded in less than six months, with loads of debt. He didn't even make his rent money.


But I genuinely wish you the best of luck if you decide to try it.


Good lord no. I'm doing it to save myself a few quid. But just because your mate failed doesn't mean everyone will. Most people fail at least once. Nobody would try anything with that attitude.

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There needs to be a link between the profit of companies and the wages they pay.


There are multi billion pound corporations that only pay minimum wage, and the fat cat sat at the top is earning many millions a year whilst the guy at the bottom is scraping by.


Link profit with pay, simple.


So what happens when the company makes a loss?

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