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Could this be the year when we say enough is enough of Xmas hysteria?

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I don't see what is "PC" about wanting to take back the festival that was stolen from the people and abused by the Church.


Wait! What? Christmas YES CHRISTMAS not bloody Xmas isn't a church thing? Just run that one by me.

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No I won't be buying my children an iPhone, a PS3, a bike, an internet TV, a Nintendo DS, an iPad and the world!!


Do people actually use those pathetic Christmas catalogues that start in June just so they can buy all of these things for their children at Christmas?


What happened to a couple of toys, a hug and a pair of socks for Christmas? Kids who get everything and the world must be so depressed...

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Doubt it TBH, some people love doing it like that, personally I love Christmas its the only thing we've got left; I just hope they don't PC that as well. I know some places have tried, i.e. winter bloody festival.


Still ask grandkids what they want from santa, would hate that ever to be taken form kids.


No they didn't. Winterval was never an attempt to rename Christmas - it was just a way of promoting it along with other events going on at the same time of year.


I thought this had been settled last year after the Daily Mail was forced to print a correction admitting it?


You claim its the only thing you have left. Is it really? I'm pretty sure we still have Easter, Bonfire Night, New Years Eve, Halloween - then there was the embarassing spectacle of the Jubilee this year too.


Still, if you want to be believe that Christmas has been cancelled and other silly tabloid lies carry on.

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