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Tax Credits? What's going on?

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But will the benefits be cheaper for the tax payer than the child care, if so then it’s better the tax payer if your wife to stays at home, the tax payer will also save because now there is a job available for someone that is unemployed.


I don't know? Probably on an individual basis but if you calculate those who play the system and avoid work (and thus claim more than one benefit) against the government setting up a proper child care agency I'm not so sure.


I also take your second point but by the same token when I leave my second job I wont be replaced so for that job that's created another will go altogether, swings and roundabouts.

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I don't disagree.


But in order for my wife (or me) to stay at home we will have to claim benefits, so whether the government pays someone or we do it ourselves it's still costing the tax payer one way or another.


My point was that we actually want to work and the government aren't facillitating that, in fact they are making it easier for those that don't want to work to avoid doing so, that's what annoys me.


Maybe the Gov. should award benefits retrospectively..we had two kids..my wife finished work when we had the first..when the second came along she went back to work and we had to pay for childcare..no benefits except child allowance..I wonder how much we should be due...?

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Maybe the Gov. should award benefits retrospectively..we had two kids..my wife finished work when we had the first..when the second came along she went back to work and we had to pay for childcare..no benefits except child allowance..I wonder how much we should be due...?
if you earnt more than you were entitled to i would expect nothing .:huh:
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I'm at a loss to know what benefits were available 24 years ago..do you know :huh: and what do you mean "Earned more than I was entitled to" ?


Non, we did the same, wife stayed home and looked after the kids, when times were hard she worked part time in the evening and I was home looking after the kids.

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so if they wernt available then you got nothing lifes hard :hihi: get over it


I can and did..it's PaliRichard that's having problems :) Just pointing out that it seems to be easier now than it used to be yet people still complain..

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I can and did..it's PaliRichard that's having problems :) Just pointing out that it seems to be easier now than it used to be yet people still complain..


I think you have misunderstood.


I posted in reply to someone saying (sarcastically, but they were right) - that the government claim to want to encourage working families.


All I was saying was that from our perspective all they seem to be doing is enabling those who don't want to work to do bugger all, whereas those that do want to work (who they claim to be encouraging to do so) are in a bit of a no win situation when it comes to both parents working.


We're not having problems, we just feel that because we both want to work we're being forced into one of us not working by the same government who claim to encourage working families.


Sorry if I gave a different impression.

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