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At what age do most women look their best?

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So you miserable men out there posting nasty comments please post a picture of yourself as you must be drop dead gorgeous :hihi:


So for the purposes of STAYING ON TOPIC...would you like to enter our bikini challenge? At 28 you're in my "I would go there zone", and if you manage to get a score over 7.5 you might just bag yourself dinner this evening. Think what a possible score over 8 would do for your self esteem, it's easy to think of the negatives but what about the wonderful positives if you were to score highly.

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that's fine but you can only really speak for yourself. There may well be quite a few other females reading this thread that would jump at the chance to be evaluated and furnished with a score, who wouldn't want to receive a full and frank review of their looks. I would also be glad to give pointers on how they could improve specific attributes that may well have been neglected. I'm prepared to give up my time here Ruby.


Why would anyone care what a troll like you thinks of their looks?

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Why would anyone care what a troll like you thinks of their looks?


Good evening Rebecca, everything I've written in this thread has remained firmly on topic. Are you having a little moment? Worry not, I forgive you.

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Modelled as a primary school child so I can't have been that bad then. I think at 15 I was very cute, at 18 I was cute and then my looks started to fade.


Now, although I'm not paper bag material, I'm well aware of each wrinkle and grey hair and pock mark on my face and that I've broken my nose .

I'm like a well bruised peach.

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Modelled as a primary school child so I can't have been that bad then. I think at 15 I was very cute, at 18 I was cute and then my looks started to fade.


Now, although I'm not paper bag material, I'm well aware of each wrinkle and grey hair and pock mark on my face and that I've broken my nose .

I'm like a well bruised


[Apologies for the liberty taken with your post]

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I know this has given all the women-haters on SF a chance to have a go, which they are doing, but I'm taking it semi-seriously. As women, are we allowed to have an opinion as well? Isn't it also going to depend on the age of the observer?


When I was 16 I thought girls of 21 were incredibly sophisticated and wished I had their panache, then when I was in my early 20s I was envious of women in their 30s and their apparent confidence, and now in my 60s, I'm back to thinking that women in their 30s/40s are at their peak. In style, looks, worldly success and confidence.


I just wish that the majority of women had more confidence in themselves. We've got so much to offer and yet so easily allow vile men like Skirmisher to dent our egos with their nasty comments.


Get over yourself dear.


Just an average Joe giving my thoughts.


If the truth hurts, don't read it.

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I love you suffragette I really do :). As soon as I saw this thread I knew it would be women bashing with the perverts coming out in force. Women of all ages are beautiful in their own way inside and out. Constantly judging women on their looks and age is creating generations of seriously insecure women who feel no value in themselves as individuals but just as a piece of meat to be looked at.


I'm nearly 28 and have become acutely aware that i'm ageing and I don't look like I did when I was 19 but then again i'm not 19 anymore. We can't be frozen in time. All women including me need to value ourselves and realise how amazing we are - we bring life into the world - no man could ever go through what a woman experiences. With age there is a glow women get that a 17 year old however beautiful cannot have. We are all goddesses inside and out! So you miserable men out there posting nasty comments please post a picture of yourself as you must be drop dead gorgeous :hihi:


Why thank you!:)


I agree, there are beautiful women of all ages. I always find that the most looksist of men are the uglier ones who would be punching way above their weight if they managed to pull a plain woman.

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It's also comments like that that drive some women down the vaginal surgery and elective Caesarian route. I'm sure that the posters concerned are drop dead gorgeous. Or rather more likely to turn stomachs rather than heads.


Why so hypocritical?


If a man posts anything resembling a negative about a woman, oh no!

Troll, woman hater, vile man etc.

Yet you don't mind posting vile contemptuous statements about men.


Says volumes :)

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Why so hypocritical?


If a man posts anything resembling a negative about a woman, oh no!

Troll, woman hater, vile man etc.

Yet you don't mind posting vile contemptuous statements about men.


Says volumes :)


Oh dear, hit a nerve? By the way, I never made any of those comments, but if the cap fits. Not hypocritical no, but if you want to be critical of women's appearances you should expect women to be critical of men's. People in glass houses, eh?

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