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At what age do most women look their best?

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Wrong, the sort of man that posts these opinions in this specific thread is keeping on topic, because that's what the thread is about. AT WHAT AGE WOMEN LOOK THEIR BEST! Of course it's a shallow topic and if you're over 30 and not Kate Beckinsale you may not like what you read, but it is what it is. PLEASE FOCUS! Seriously now women, respect the thread topic and try and keep some level of concentration as even after repeated reminders you just can't abide by simple forum rules. Mods are going to have to hand out demerits soon which is a shame.


Oh sorry, I thought that the thread was about vaginal and breast slackness post childbirth, which one poster seems fixated on, rather than age.

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If women can't take facts seriously, that is the woman's problem, deal with it, I say.

Would you rather women not know the facts and go through life blindly?

That seems very strange given your pro woman everything stance.


What facts are you on about? The effects of childbirth? Every woman is different or are you an expert or something?

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My gf has dropped 4 kids and her vagina is almost as tight as her anus.


Just dispelling a myth there.




And saggy boobs are sexy.


Thanks. It is a myth. Also some women's breasts sag when they're young. It all depends on breast size and shape.

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Oh sorry, I thought that the thread was about vaginal and breast slackness post childbirth, which one poster seems fixated on, rather than age.


Seems its you that's obsessed.

I mentioned it, then you and your friend carried it on, not to mention the size of a mans manhood etc.

You after getting the thread closed, like all the others you manage to derail?

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Some people need to get out more. :roll:



Beauty is skin deep.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Age is but a number,


Etc etc etc.



True, but surely you'd have to agree that 'attractive' does have a particular appearance as does 'unattractive'.


For instance. If I were to do a public survey and stop 10,000 people in the street and show them two pictures, the first being what I perceive to be an unattractive woman and the other a very attractive woman, would you expect the vast majority to guess which one I find more attractive?


I believe you would.

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Seems its you that's obsessed.

I mentioned it, then you and your friend carried it on, not to mention the size of a mans manhood etc.

You after getting the thread closed, like all the others you manage to derail?


No, that is not my MO at all. I am not in the slightest bit obsessed, but your comments are not age-specific, they're about how childbirth can affect some women and happen to women of all ages within their childbearing ability years.

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The mods would do better to hand out support tights, I can see the varicose veins bulging from here.


You actually raise quite an interesting point here as varicose veins are obviously not particularly attractive and are mostly caused by being overweight and having a poor bmi, it really does come down to exercise highlighting the need for a women to look after herself and hit the gym regularly if she wants to improve her appearance.


So you see women, all these fake tans, fake hair extensions, fake boobs, fake this and fake that are all well and good, but none of these things can ever cover up the onset of old age like a good diet and regular exercise. Regular exercise at the gym is not WALKING ON A TREADMILL FOR 10 MINUTES! Honestly! The amount of out of shape women that do this at my gym is ridiculous. It's so pointless and will never help you lose weight. You know why they joined the gym don't you, that's right, to go in the bloody spa and read shades of grey. The gym is for WORKING OUT women and will give you a bikini body fit for any beach and thats important for your self esteem.


Remember the last time you walked past a building site and nobody whistled? Well you can put an end to that by starting today and getting some exercise instead of watching soap operas and eating cake, which we know you do. There I said it. Somebody had to. If this thread can inspire just one women to take her health more seriously then it will be a very worthwhile thread.

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Skirmisher, childbirth aside, if we took say 25 women, of various ages from 18 to 80, none of whom have had children, what age group would be looking their best?


What you say is of course true, and gravity does take effect on all women, particularly after having kids, but not all in the same way or to the same degree x

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