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At what age do most women look their best?

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You actually raise quite an interesting point here as varicose veins are obviously not particularly attractive and are mostly caused by being overweight and having a poor bmi, it really does come down to exercise highlighting the need for a women to look after herself and hit the gym regularly if she wants to improve her appearance.


So you see women, all these fake tans, fake hair extensions, fake boobs, fake this and fake that are all well and good, but none of these things can ever cover up the onset of old age like a good diet and regular exercise. Regular exercise at the gym is not WALKING ON A TREADMILL FOR 10 MINUTES! Honestly! The amount of out of shape women that do this at my gym is ridiculous. It's so pointless and will never help you lose weight. You know why they joined the gym don't you, that's right, to go in the bloody spa and read shades of grey. The gym is for WORKING OUT women and will give you a bikini body fit for any beach and thats important for your self esteem.


Remember the last time you walked past a building site and nobody whistled? Well you can put an end to that by starting today and getting some exercise instead of watching soap operas and eating cake, which we know you do. There I said it. Somebody had to. If this thread can inspire just one women to take her health more seriously then it will be a very worthwhile thread.


Thanks for the unsolicited advice, which applies to both sexes. Some of us don't need it, the advice that is. Are we supposed to aspire to street harassment now?

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Skirmisher, childbirth aside, if we took say 25 women, of various ages from 18 to 80, none of whom have had children, what age group would be looking their best?


What you say is of course true, and gravity does take effect on all women, particularly after having kids, but not all in the same way or to the same degree x


I did actually say that I think 30 is best but that got lost in the bile that ensued from me daring to mention anything remotely non positive about the fairer sex :)

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Skirmisher, childbirth aside, if we took say 25 women, of various ages from 18 to 80, none of whom have had children, what age group would be looking their best?


What you say is of course true, and gravity does take effect on all women, particularly after having kids, but not all in the same way or to the same degree x


But why would age have any bearing on who looks best?


A woman in her 60's could look better than she did in her thirties. The opposite could be said about a younger woman.


I don't think age is of any consequence really. I'd say it's more a matter of how well a woman look after yourself.

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But why would age have any bearing on who looks best?


A woman in her 60's could look better than she did in her thirties. The opposite could be said about a younger woman.


I don't think age is of any consequence really. I'd say it's more a matter of how well a woman look after yourself.


I have said this in the man related thread :) and pointed out that the same applies to women

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Are we supposed to aspire to street harassment now?


Women love to be whistled at! It's a harmless gesture meant to congratulate her on the beauty and femininity she has achieved. There is a difference between being whistled at and having suggestive remarks made toward you or being hassled. You see, a bad attitude like yours is why you don't get whistled at. Just the same as when entering a room a lady should always smile as it makes her look prettier, she should welcome compliments to her appearance as this will make her feel good about herself for the day. When she gets home that evening, she just might make more of an effort with her husband, cook him a nice meal therefor enhancing the day of another human. It all has a knock on effect.

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No, that is not my MO at all. I am not in the slightest bit obsessed, but your comments are not age-specific, they're about how childbirth can affect some women and happen to women of all ages within their childbearing ability years.


This is like peeing the bed awake.


If I mention that a woman has had a certain number of kids, then surely it's age specific. Obviously she would have to be knocking on a fair bit to have had them.

I am sorry if I didn't hilite this in my posts, I just assumed it would be taken as red.


Off topic, what is the proportion of threads you post on that get closed as against the ones that don't? :suspect:

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Thanks for the unsolicited advice, which applies to both sexes.


Once again suffragette I can only point your attention to the thread title, THIS THREAD IS ABOUT WOMEN! :hihi: Do you understand that this thread is about women? Seriously, are you having some kind of trouble that we can help you with?

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