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Motorbike riders Sheffield

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Id say 99% of them that I’ve seen are being ridden illegally too fast and on the wrong side of the road! ….



Then you would be talking rubbish.



There's nothing like a balance, well founded opinion...........and yours is nothing like a balance, well founded opinion.:loopy:

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Is anyone else fed up of complete IDIOT motorbike riders?

I’ve noticed it seems to be getting much worse recently not sure if its due to the warmer weather or just some other trend to drive like a Idiot risking their own life’s and others.


I also cannot understand WHY? It’s legal to sell these massive engine bikes that look like racing bikes on the road? Id say 99% of them that I’ve seen are being ridden illegally too fast and on the wrong side of the road! Most of them have such small license plates that you cannot see them to report them as well.


And WHY does the law always tell the car drivers to “Beware of the motorbikes” and to take caution? When its them driving like Idiots in the first place….

Quite the reverse. I'd say that 99% of bikers are responsible owners who take a great deal of pride and care in their bikes - a higher percentage than that are car drivers I think.

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Is anyone else fed up of complete IDIOT motorbike riders?

I’ve noticed it seems to be getting much worse recently not sure if its due to the warmer weather or just some other trend to drive like a Idiot risking their own life’s and others.


I also cannot understand WHY? It’s legal to sell these massive engine bikes that look like racing bikes on the road? Id say 99% of them that I’ve seen are being ridden illegally too fast and on the wrong side of the road! Most of them have such small license plates that you cannot see them to report them as well.


And WHY does the law always tell the car drivers to “Beware of the motorbikes” and to take caution? When its them driving like Idiots in the first place….

A good car driver is one thats ridden a motorcyle and would know the answer to that.

I see more bad car drivers than Motorcycles driving like idiots and how some have even got a lisence is beyond me.

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A friend once told me she didn’t like motorcycles as her brother was killed on one. When I asked how, she said he stopped at an accident, got off his bike, and was struck by a car as he walked over to help! I wondered, “Well, couldn’t the same have happened if he had been in a car?” This guilt by association ignores the fact that lots of people who drive cars also die. It is a "fixed attitude", that just associates motorcycles with danger. Like many other fixed attitudes, it is often reinforced by the media. It is hard to see the reality amidst the smoke of false fears, worries and imaginations.

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Is anyone else fed up of complete IDIOT motorbike riders?

I’ve noticed it seems to be getting much worse recently not sure if its due to the warmer weather or just some other trend to drive like a Idiot risking their own life’s and others.


I also cannot understand WHY? It’s legal to sell these massive engine bikes that look like racing bikes on the road? Id say 99% of them that I’ve seen are being ridden illegally too fast and on the wrong side of the road! Most of them have such small license plates that you cannot see them to report them as well.


And WHY does the law always tell the car drivers to “Beware of the motorbikes” and to take caution? When its them driving like Idiots in the first place….


You've obviously never had a bike, I'd say majority are great drivers; personally I used to love my bike. The sad thing is that almost all bike riders will have at least 1 accident, some just don't live.


A bike is 1/3 the width of a car & trust me it can he hairy with cars, not sure how you work out they are being driven illegally & too fast.


So cars just go at a sedate pace now do they? It's so refreshing to see someone with such a well balanced non biased opinion of motorbikes.:loopy:

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It's not the safety issues that bother me about motor bikes : it's the noise. We seem to be having more and more bikers just driving round and round our area night and day. A favourite route is along Loxley Road to Bradfield, around the dam, back over Dungworth to Stannington and over to Loxley Road again. You can hear them from Stannington when they're roaring around Bradfield. The bikes are big, noisy and keep us awake at night and the journey seems to serve no purpose.

I wouldn't have a problem with bikers doing this if they didn't make such a continuous row, and what for?

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Since motorcycles are obviously invisible to a significant proportion of car drivers, I would venture to suggest that they may be trying to extend their life expectancy a little by providing some auditory warning.


Further, I live in the area you describe, and have never been kept awake by motorcycles. You must have extrordinary hearing. Are you part bat?

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