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The "White House" Chippy in Pitsmmor.

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Used to frequent the white house chippy a lot, Whilst on the subject of shops anybody remember Cairas (sp)?

Run by Tony and his Mum best ice cream around. One of those shops that never closed. Remember that if you went in for something and he hadn't got it he would try his damndedst to sell you something else. Top bloke.

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I used to go in Cairas all the time. An Bernard & Kaths chippy at the top of Andover St. I was so glad when they opened up there. it saved a big climb up from the Wite House. Saturday nights watching one of the groups on at the Loco Club then a bag of chips on the way home.

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Here is a delicate question regarding Kath and Bernard.


Is the last name Greaves and before running the White House, did they run a chip shop at the top of Spital Street (until the mid 60s) ? Or have I mixed them up with someone else. Sorry if I'm right off the track.


You are on the right track. You have not mixed them up with anyone else. Your information is correct.

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I used to go in Cairas all the time. An Bernard & Kaths chippy at the top of Andover St. I was so glad when they opened up there. it saved a big climb up from the Wite House. Saturday nights watching one of the groups on at the Loco Club then a bag of chips on the way home.

Stop it mate you're bringing a tear to my eye and a lump to my throat


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  • 15 years later...

And opposite The White House  was Ineson's corner shop where you had to order your bread for the weekend. Below Inesons's was Hancocks another corner shop (on the corner of Rock Street) that sold dried peas for your peashooter and also had a "penny tray" with individual sweets for kids who didn't have much money. I seem to remember buying Barret's sherbet dabs, a yellow tube full of sherbet with a liquorice tube poking out and gob-stoppers,  which were so large, you'd choke to death if you swallowed one. If I remember correctly, Mr Hancock used to open on Christmas Day, not sure why, probably to sell batteries to parents who'd  forgotten to buy them to go with the kids Christmas toys. Further down Rock street was Stone Street with Tony Cairas on the corner. Outside his shop was a bubbley gum machine which not only for a penny gave you a piece of gum, you also got a photo of the latest 1950s Hollywood film star. 

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When I was very young (a long time ago) I visited my 'auntie Lilly and uncle Bert ' on Rock Street. They were not my proper aunt and uncle but must have been some friends/relatives of my mum and dad somehow. There house backed onto a recreation ground covered in what I remember as black ash,  I played on there and got filthy. Bert had been an engine driver on expresses but got injured and finished up driving a shunting engine. I don't know their other names but it would be good to find out if anyone knows any details I'd be grateful. 

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Well! That takes me back. Friday evening in the Rock with Tony Gear and Dave Coupland playing Darts.

Then  to the White house for fish, chips and mushy peas to take home. Great days indeed!

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On 03/04/2022 at 18:23, CF8M said:

Well! That takes me back. Friday evening in the Rock with Tony Gear and Dave Coupland playing Darts.

Then  to the White house for fish, chips and mushy peas to take home. Great days indeed!

Dave Coupland, I might be mixing him up with Dave Corpland, did he live on Andover Drive had an older and younger Sister

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No! Dave Coupland lived on Rock Street with his brother and sister. Also played in Pitsmoor Meths cricket team with Tony Gear and myself.

I think Dave was a bus driver at one stage.

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