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Who can tell public house

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When my parents were going in the 'Who Can Tell' it was Ginny and Herbert Hensman who were the landlady and landlord. It was black-pudding being served in the 'best room' on Tuesday nights (presumably a slow night) and the games night league consisting of Crib and Dominoes being played but depended whether they were playing home or away, I think they always made it back for the last pint on home turf anyway even if they were playing away. And remember this was way before people owned cars or having easy access to a vehicle.

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A Mystery: Almost as old as Grimesthorpe itself.

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When a pub was opened on the corner of Botham Street and Ruthin Street, it acquired an unusual name: 'Who Can Tell'. I've often wished 'Someone Could Tell'

how it came to have the name but anyone who knew will have been supping pints in that great Tap Room in the sky for many years past.


Could there be a clue with the absence of a question mark?

Are the words 'Who Can Tell' part of a longer sentence?

Was the landlord or lady hoping to moderate their customers drinking habits by way of a warning?

Or was it the result of someone's sense of humour?

Whatever the answer, it has been lost in the mist of time, a time of long ago. Or to be more precise, about 2,700 years ago in Nineveh. Nineveh is thought to have been in the modern day country of Iraq but like many civilizations throughout the ages, was mired in its own success.

Drunkenness, fornication, gluttony and greed were rife and the Great Almighty was not pleased.

God, who looked upon Yorkshire as the Heavenly county and spoke with a Yorkshire accent, sent for his old pal and trouble shooter, Jonah. "Jonah, get thi sen off t' Nineveh and sort the lazy sods art. Tell 'em, if they don't stop buggerin' abart an' mend their ways, I'll send a few plagues an' famines an' bolts o' lightenin', that should square 'em up".

Jonah jumped on a passing ship and set sail for Nineveh but he hadn't gone very far when the crew took a dislike to him and chucked him over the side. His problems got worse when a passing whale swallowed him whole. Then, Jonah's luck changed when the whale puked him up along with a couple of tons of smelly sardines on a sandy beach not too far from Baghdad.

He rented a camel for a couple of days and made his way to Nineveh where he sought an audience with the King who was also the chairman and concert secretary of the newly affiliated Nineveh Working Mens' Club." Th'art lucky t' catch me". said King Nineveh to Jonah. "Me an' t' committee 'ave just got back from a talent spottin' trip t' Sheffield", where among other things, they too learned to speak God's tongue.

Jonah said. "Shurrup an' listen". The King and the rest of the committee listened, while Jonah, as the saying goes, put the fear of God up 'em. Telling them straight about God's anger and threats to wipe the entire population of Nineveh off the face of the Earth.

Realising the error of their ways, the people of Nineveh asked for forgiveness and promised to spend the next six months wearing sack cloth and ashes.

When Jonah left, the King turned to the assembled people of Nineveh and said something like this:

"Who knows, God may relent and not destroy us if we repent and mend our ways?"



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Jonah. Chapter 3: Verse 9.

WHO CAN TELL if God will turn and repent, and turn away from his fierce anger, that we perish not?

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I'll miss fornication out Ralph but guilty of the other three,spent some good nights in 'ooker.

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Thats Charlie and Emmy then,had some good nights in there.Used to put jukebox on and if emmy didn't like the song she'd come in and reject it.lovely couple though.


just been talking to my dad ,and he said the only person he can remember calling emily emmy was a woman called shelia

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Thats Charlie and Emmy then,had some good nights in there.Used to put jukebox on and if emmy didn't like the song she'd come in and reject it.lovely couple though.


Hi Sheila, yes it was Charlie/Emmily Smith they left Attercliff Libs

i think when they took the Who Can Tell pub.

And yes we had some great nights in there, wern't emmily a bloody

nuisance switching off juke box, Bless her. :roll:

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just been talking to my dad ,and he said the only person he can remember calling emily emmy was a woman called shelia


thats right, think i bumped into your dad at a reunion at bellhouse club a while ago.i always call him pete and i know thats not right.was your mum ivy.


---------- Post added 09-03-2013 at 23:01 ----------



Hi Sheila, yes it was Charlie/Emmily Smith they left Attercliff Libs

i think when they took the Who Can Tell pub.

And yes we had some great nights in there, wern't emmily a bloody

nuisance switching off juke box, Bless her. :roll:


loved em both to bits,they made me laugh.can you remember emmy running up botham st to get charlies supper from enzers chippy before they closed.still went to see her when she moved to manor park.

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thats right, think i bumped into your dad at a reunion at bellhouse club a while ago.i always call him pete and i know thats not right.was your mum ivy.


---------- Post added 09-03-2013 at 23:01 ----------



loved em both to bits,they made me laugh.can you remember emmy running up botham st to get charlies supper from enzers chippy before they closed.still went to see her when she moved to manor park.


yes my mum was ivy ,my dad is terry,pete is my dads brother,he lived at back of bowling green

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thats right, think i bumped into your dad at a reunion at bellhouse club a while ago.i always call him pete and i know thats not right.was your mum ivy.


---------- Post added 09-03-2013 at 23:01 ----------



loved em both to bits,they made me laugh.can you remember emmy running up botham st to get charlies supper from enzers chippy before they closed.still went to see her when she moved to manor park.


I can't remember that Sheila but was it open- did she manage to get

the chips and scraps. HaHa, and i didn't know she'd moved to

Manor Park.

What part of the Manor did she live on. :confused:

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