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Slums in London in 2012!

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Are you seriously saying that the government should spend OUR tax monies housing this mass of illegal immigrants who have no right whatsoever to be here and contribute nothing to society.


Those who live here legally along with every other british citizen already get social housing and/or homeless support and/or benefits and/or grants.


Those who live here legally along with every other british citizen are able to get a job and contribute something.


Nobody in Britain these days is forced to be homeless. Nobody is britain these days is forced to live in a slum The government and laws dont allow people to be forced to live that way anymore. UNLESS they are off radar and not meant to be here.


At the very bare minimum genuine asylum seekers are provided with accommodation, basic funds and amenities.




The papers will always publish stories like this because they know anything "human interest" sells papers.


Notice how they are not and never will be asking the key questions.....

Who are these people?

Where did they come from?

What are they doing here?

Why are they not on the registered systems getting the support everyone else in the country gets?

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Social housing was built to eradicate slums. Governments selling off loads of social housing and not building new social housing inevitably means a return to the slums. The obvious solution is to build more social housing and in the process create a lot of jobs, unless you are David Cameron and George Osborne on an ideological mission to destroy social housing and push people into slum housing.


Thousands of affordable housing was demolished over the past decade under pathfinder, it wasn't replaced and the population was deliberately increased, David Cameron and George Osborne weren’t in charge.

Conservatives sell houses to poor people that would never afford one, Labour demolishes houses which force up the price of the remaining housing stock and out of the reach of poor people and you blame the conservatives. WOW


Labour wanted to create the illusion of wealth in order to keep power for longer they would normally have it, the way they did it was to give the people wealth now at the expense of a generation of people that couldn’t vote.

If house prices rise by 10-20% a year that will do the job, people will be able to borrow money to spend now, that will increase tax receipt so we can employ people in the public sector.

How to get house to increase in price by 10-20% a year, create more demand for the supply.

How to do that, increase the population and decrease the housing stock by demolishing the cheapest houses and don’t allow builder to replace them.

But it won’t be long before people can’t afford them, we can deregulate the banks and allow them to lend greater multiple of income and even lend more than the house is worth.

They knew it would eventually come to an end but only after they had made some money for themselves, and they knew their supporters were gullible enough to believe it would last forever.

Welcome the housing bubble created by labour to give the illusion of wealth.

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How are they "forced" to do this..there's always an alternative..


They are encouraged to come to the UK, a country in which the streets are paved with gold, they use all their money to get here and then are forced to work for peanuts, they can't afford to go home so are affectively used as slaves and housed in slums. Seemingly with our government turning a blind eye to it.

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Social housing was built to eradicate slums. Governments selling off loads of social housing and not building new social housing inevitably means a return to the slums. The obvious solution is to build more social housing and in the process create a lot of jobs, unless you are David Cameron and George Osborne on an ideological mission to destroy social housing and push people into slum housing.
What if we don't want our taxes spent on more social housing to accomodate yet more immigrants!
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Social housing was built to eradicate slums. Governments selling off loads of social housing and not building new social housing inevitably means a return to the slums. The obvious solution is to build more social housing and in the process create a lot of jobs, unless you are David Cameron and George Osborne on an ideological mission to destroy social housing and push people into slum housing.


Remind me how much social housing was built under Labour?

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They are encouraged to come to the UK, a country in which the streets are paved with gold, they use all their money to get here and then are forced to work for peanuts, they can't afford to go home so are affectively used as slaves and housed in slums. Seemingly with our government turning a blind eye to it.


Indeed they are - but who is doing the encouraging? Perhaps more effort should be expended on apprehending the traders in the people-trafficking business and - on conviction - they should be given exemplary custodial sentences?


One of the articles Welcome to the Slums of Southall complains that "The Housing Act states that council officers must give 24 hours' notice before visiting properties"


So what? Do HM Customs need to give 24 hours notice (or do they even need a warrant?) to enter a premises and search it?


They do not.


Put a cordon around a given area (You couldn't use troops - there would be an outcry ... perhaps you could use the people who are being used to provide security at the Olympics?:))


Search the area (using teams led by Excisemen)


Apprehend those who have no right to be in the country and deport them immediately (using the same legal process that they relied on when they entered the country.)


Then arrest the slum landlords. Try them (There is probably a long list of possible offences - including [but not limited to] 'being an accessory to people trafficking'.)


On conviction, fine them (say) £250,000, imprison them for a period not exceeding 12 years and on release if they had a nationality other than British Nationality, deport them.

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Indeed they are - but who is doing the encouraging? Perhaps more effort should be expended on apprehending the traders in the people-trafficking business and - on conviction - they should be given exemplary custodial sentences?


One of the articles Welcome to the Slums of Southall complains that "The Housing Act states that council officers must give 24 hours' notice before visiting properties"


So what? Do HM Customs need to give 24 hours notice (or do they even need a warrant?) to enter a premises and search it?


They do not.


Put a cordon around a given area (You couldn't use troops - there would be an outcry ... perhaps you could use the people who are being used to provide security at the Olympics?:))


Search the area (using teams led by Excisemen)


Apprehend those who have no right to be in the country and deport them immediately (using the same legal process that they relied on when they entered the country.)


Then arrest the slum landlords. Try them (There is probably a long list of possible offences - including [but not limited to] 'being an accessory to people trafficking'.)


On conviction, fine them (say) £250,000, imprison them for a period not exceeding 12 years and on release if they had a nationality other than British Nationality, deport them.

That sounds quite severe treatment from a cuddly little bear!..........................but actually it should be instigated tomorrow!
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That sounds quite severe treatment from a cuddly little bear!..........................but actually it should be instigated tomorrow!


Look at the Avatar - that is not a cuddly little bear.:hihi:


Seriously though, there is no shortage of reports concerning the treatment meted out to illegal immigrants. People dying of suffocation in unventilated lorries, people dying of thirst in sealed containers, people running out of money and being abandoned en-route, people being kept prisoner and used as slaves at their destination, people being tortured for failing to make regular payments to the people who transported them, the families back at home being tortured or killed if the migrants don't pay up.


Yes, they are illegal immigrants - but they are still human beings and nobody should be treated like that.


Society (Western society, anyway) abhors sexual exploitation of children. (good thing, too.)


We punish child pornographers, we punish those who sell child pornography and we publish those who buy it (or download it.) The argument for punishing the purchasers/downloaders is that it is their demand for the 'product' which drives the market. If there was no demand, then far fewer children would be abused. That sounds reasonable to me.


It is difficult to catch illegal immigrants while they are travelling into the UK and once they've got there, they are practically 'home and dry' - because, it seems, they can find slum landlords willing to accommodate them, there is no obligation to register your name and address with any authority and nobody can make you prove you have a right to be in the country.


Remove the supply of inferior accommodation (remove the slum landlords) and you will reduce considerably the number of illegal immigrants (and reduce the misery they experience.)


If would-be financial migrants thought that their chances of being apprehended and returned were very high (and if they saw, first-hand, previous migrants being returned) would that have an effect on the number willing to take the (not inconsiderable) risk?

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@ MrSmith and Truman: it's bad enough that some people can only see things in terms of Labour or Tories, a false dichotomy if ever there was one, but it's worse when they assume that others can only see things in those terms as well. If you gave me a rifle and a clear shot at Blair and Cameron I honestly wouldn't know who to shoot first. An RPG would be better, I could take them both out simultaneously.

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