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Romney: England is just a small island that makes stuff nobody wants

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We're probably just more politicised that you are? Don't forget we have elections every single year more or less,we're stuffed up to the back teeth with politics :)


And whilst it might not seem that important to Americans who anyone else's top banana is, to the rest of the world it seems very important that your president wants to get on/work with the rest of us.


Given what you said about Romney, and the fact that he doesn't seem to like us very much, we're not likely to want him rather than Mr Obama. And he's called after a woolly glove, which is just silly! ;)

Probably more likely a baseball mitt, an ugly leather thing smelling heavily of human sweat. It makes sure he doesn't get his fingers broken by a naughty ball, not like those cricket wallahs who catch a similar ball with their bare hands. But seriously, we are very concerned about what is going on in the world, but would really like to let somebody else take it on. That's the problem with our political system. Once you've voted who you want in, you're stuck with them no matter what. There is always impeachment, but its a slow, undesirable process, and not popular.:)
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He will pull the plug out of England and let it sink.:roll:


The plug is being pulled on the whole of the west, we are to be victims of the new "ten commandments of the world", aka, the "Earth Charter", which apparently is the latest name given to the master plan dreamt up by the movers and shakers of the world like Mikhail Gorbachev, Maurice Strong and the Rockerfellers etc.


Economically, there is going to be much more of a global equalibrium... that doesn't mean that the third world is going to become like the first world, the poor are not going to be brought up to our current standard of living, it means that simultaniously, the economy, and therefore living standards of the first world are going to lower, while the economy/living standards of the third world are going to rise, and meet somewhere in the middle, resulting in the world being more equal due to the wealth being spread out more thinly around the world.


This is the reason our industries and factories are going overseas, and why our petrol and electricity is getting more and more expensive.

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Whereas Obama's record on the economy is Romney's best weapon.


For a start Romney wont have any more success than Obama on jobs. Too many of the manufactruing jobs have gone to China most of which happened on George Bush's watch. Another factor is that many businesses now find they can do with far fewer employees doing much more work that before the recession started. What incentives are there for these businesses to start hiring in this current economic climate which is not going to go away anytime soon? We are all tied together economically. What happens in Europe and China affects Wall street and vice versa. There is no "American" solution to our current economic malaise therefore. It's purely a worldwide problem


Does the country need a president who has millions invested in tax free havens, much of that investment no doubt in foreign enterprises and who refuses to make public his tax returns no further back than 2011?


Now after insulting America's best friend and ally he's in Israel drumming up the Jewish vote back here in the States which wont do him much good since most Jewish voters are Democrats by choice anyway

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Obama was left an economic crisis to start with, the fact that it turned into a world wide event can only have made it more difficult, don't think for one minute if Romney gets in it will be any different.


Obama was inaugurated in Jan 2009. The crisis was a world-wide event long before then. - It was well-established before he was even selected as the Democratic Party's candidate. Presumably he knew what he was letting himself in for and he could hardly complain that he face an uphill task during the past years.


He made a number of promises during his electoral campaign (Google them yourselves) and no doubt they will be held against him wherever possible.


We'll just have to wait and see to find out who gets elected. Obama does (perhaps) have an advantage in that his opponent is Romney - and there are plenty of people who don't like that man.


Unfortunately, I suspect that this election will be to select which candidate is the least unpalatable.

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