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Tax on fizzy drinks?

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Is this from the same party that argued for pasties to be exempt from the VAT that is charged on all other hot food?


What happened to joined-up thinking?


I'm sorry but how often do you see politicking and joined up thinking in the same sentence (apart from this one)? :)

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'Tax it' or (better still) 'Ban it' seem to be the knee-jerk reaction of many Labour politicians.


Is the Carbon Dioxide in the fizzy drinks the problem? - Or is it the sugar content?


Would the tax apply to high-sugar fizzy pop and zero sugar fizzy pop, but not to high-sugar cordials?


Would there be a tax on carbon dioxide gas bottles? (Sodastreams might suddenly become extremely popular.)


Why stop at pop? Why not put a tax on high-fat content or high-sugar content foods?


Would that tax be applied to 'prepared' food or would it apply to ingredients?


Such taxes have been mooted before, but never got anywhere. How much would it cost to measure the fat and sugar contents of all foods?


I doubt that Ms Abbott has thought this suggestion through - and somehow, that doesn't surprise me.

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If it's not a money making scheme, then they'll only tax the full sugar fizzy drinks, not the sugar free ones.


Milk has lots of sugar in it,


Pure orange juice has loads of sugar in it, more than Coke.


What they gonna raise tax for those as well?


Just a money making scheme to con ordinary people rather than taking it from the super-rich.


Always been the same, always will.

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