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The dreaded work capability assessment

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Wouldn’t someone with breast cancer just be on sickness benefits, my mother worked for some of the time she had breast cancer, she took some time off on sickness benefits during her treatment but then went back to work, she wouldn’t have described herself has disabled.


I don't want to say anything bad about your mum, as I don't know her, but I think the fact that this woman died within six months of being declared fit for work, shows that she obviously wasn't. One of my mother's friends has been for one of these medicals, and provided medical evidence to show they had breast cancer, the so called health care professional asked if they could see the damaged breast (TOTATLLY UNACCEPTABLE).

Another person is expected to arrive at the medical centre at 9.00 a.m. on a Sunday morning. The fact that her busses don't start running until 10 O' cloc k on a Sunday seems irreleavnt. The whole system needs a complete overhaul.

Conservatives answer because too many people are getting their decissions overturned on appeal, is to stop legal aid for appeals, rather than sorting out the problems with the initial assesment.

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I don't want to say anything bad about your mum, as I don't know her, but I think the fact that this woman died within six months of being declared fit for work, shows that she obviously wasn't. One of my mother's friends has been for one of these medicals, and provided medical evidence to show they had breast cancer, the so called health care professional asked if they could see the damaged breast (TOTATLLY UNACCEPTABLE).

Another person is expected to arrive at the medical centre at 9.00 a.m. on a Sunday morning. The fact that her busses don't start running until 10 O' cloc k on a Sunday seems irreleavnt. The whole system needs a complete overhaul.

Conservatives answer because too many people are getting their decissions overturned on appeal, is to stop legal aid for appeals, rather than sorting out the problems with the initial assesment.


I would have thought she should have just stayed on sickness benefits as opposed to disability benefits. Or are they now both the same.:confused:

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I believe its owned by a dodgy insurance company called UNUM who are based in the US. Unum are banned in 13 states. It's very hard to prove this link, as atos use the official secrets act like a bible


This is the nearest to proof I can get. (Scottish Provident is owned by UNUM, and the test sounds exactly the same that atos use on disabled people. S P use it to avoid payouts. Not conclusive, but too many similarities to be a coincidence.)




The set 'tasks' were simple none job related things like being able to walk 200m, hold a pen in either hand, lift a 1kg weight, speak, hear etc all with the use of aids or assistance by others. To get paid out I had to do at least 2 of these 'tasks'. As someone that believes in standing up for their rights I fought Scot Prov but still they refused to pay up. Finally I took my case to the FOS who were fantastic and they ordered Scot Prov to look at my case again as the original information was incorrect and the new evidence supported my claim. Scot Prov again refused to honor my claim and it was only after a national newspaper contacted them that they gave me the letter to allow me to go back to the FOS.


Again the FOS ordered Scot Prov to pay up but still they refused and appealed the decision. Third time lucky the FOS again ruled in my favor and with no right of appeal Scot Prov had to payout plus the disgraceful £100 compensation I was awarded. During the past 18 months I have researched these policies and setup a Twitter account to find out if I was alone or was this a major issue within the industry.

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where do you want to start? with the ongoing fiasco I have had since November last year with them, or the latest set of fun and games I am having? (including 4 months of my receiving no income support or housing benefits to which I was entitled)


Or how about one friend of mine being suicidal at their genuinely being too ill to work, yet told by (Don't Give) ATOS that they are fit enough to do so?

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