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The dreaded work capability assessment

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where do you want to start? with the ongoing fiasco I have had since November last year with them, or the latest set of fun and games I am having? (including 4 months of my receiving no income support or housing benefits to which I was entitled)


Or how about one friend of mine being suicidal at their genuinely being too ill to work, yet told by (Don't Give) ATOS that they are fit enough to do so?


so sorry to hear this I was asked if I felt suicidal and when I replied "yes at times" they suggested " if I was intent I would have done it by now " without bragging I have overdosed at least 3 times in the past the last attempt should have sent me to my maker had it been undiscovered !

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It strikes me as odd that the government is trying to force disabled people into the job market, when there's no jobs for the able bodied who want to work. Divide and rule, that's all it is.


sorry to say this but if you are capable of doing some kind of work then you should be looking for a job its a way of reducing your benefit !

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have you ever suffered mental issues ? I have lost close ones through suicide when you are low enough suicide is easily possible !


Sorry but 2 things...

1, what is atos??

2, Suicide is a cowards way out,IMO, I have suffered the loss of a close relative through suicide and in no way, shape or form is this, for me, the easy way out, it's a cowards way out, unable mentally or physically to face the challenges ahead and bail out.

It's easy for them and them alone, For everyone else, like their mum n dad, like 3 kids, a wife, 2 brothers, 3 sisters and countless nieces and nephews who have to pick up the pieces, what should they do, give up and join em???

No, it's a coward who chooses this option.

If you have food in your belly, a warm bed to sleep in and clean clothes on your back whats the problem??

They can't take what you haven't got.

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I don't think it is just ATOS that makes us suicidal. It's the never ending campaigning by government and the media against the sick. They have made us look like scroungers and criminals and turned the public against us. You only have to look at comments on forums. If you are too ill to work and they stop your benefits knowing you will lose your home, then they are challenging you to kill yourself. Which is the reason not to. I will be in this position soon.


dont let them get to you if you believe you have a genuine case then fight it go for appeal they are really understanding people with a proper GP who actually istens to you and if you win they have to backdate your claim i believe DWP are being pressured to reduce sickness benefits ! look around websites and get more clued up

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I don't think it is just ATOS that makes us suicidal. It's the never ending campaigning by government and the media against the sick. They have made us look like scroungers and criminals and turned the public against us. You only have to look at comments on forums. If you are too ill to work and they stop your benefits knowing you will lose your home, then they are challenging you to kill yourself. Which is the reason not to. I will be in this position soon.


No it isn't, its the cheats who make the genuine look bad, simple, the government are saying things like..' just because your in a wheelchair why can't you work?, not, you have a serious illness, jog on.

Watch the paralympics and see what really disabled people are capable of, I'm not judging you at all, your personal situation may well warrant full entitlement and rightly so, but a lot of people are claiming fraudently and this impacts on everyone who claims what they are entitled to, But as said before, suicide is a cowards way out, man/woman up and face that challenge

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Sorry but 2 things...

1, what is atos??

2, Suicide is a cowards way out,IMO, I have suffered the loss of a close relative through suicide and in no way, shape or form is this, for me, the easy way out, it's a cowards way out, unable mentally or physically to face the challenges ahead and bail out.

It's easy for them and them alone, For everyone else, like their mum n dad, like 3 kids, a wife, 2 brothers, 3 sisters and countless nieces and nephews who have to pick up the pieces, what should they do, give up and join em???

No, it's a coward who chooses this option.

If you have food in your belly, a warm bed to sleep in and clean clothes on your back whats the problem??

They can't take what you haven't got.


atos is the governments way of deciding if you are fit for work so the the loss of your close relative and all your family suffering through suicide is cowardice ? I should say that anyone in such a mental state dont think about those things at the time ! I will say that i admire your stance on this but lets stick to the original thread about atos

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i get the impression that if you go to an atos interview it would go some thing like this, man/woman no arms says what job can i do, atos oh yes you can wright with your toes,thats how bad it sounds to me. what have people failed on?

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